Walter Ricciardi
- Full Professor of Hygiene and Director of the School of Specialization in Hygiene and Public Health at the Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Rome)
Full Professor of Hygiene and Director of the School of Specialization in Hygiene and Public Health at the Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Rome).
Chairman of the Mission Board for Cancer, European Commission.
Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Human Technopole Foundation.
Chairman of the European Mission Board for vaccination.
Member of the International Honorary Advisory Faculty of the National Screening Advisory Committee (NSAC), Ireland.
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development: Rethinking policy priorities in the light of pandemics – WHO – Regional Office for Europe.
Member of the Scientific Board, Santé Publique France.
Ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Vatican.
Member of the International Scientific Committee of the Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research.
Founder and Director of the National Observatory for the Health of Italian Regions (since 2002).
Founder and Director of the National Observatory on Antimicrobial Resistance.
Scientific Director of the Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri – IRCCS (2020-2023).
Scientific Advisor to the Italian Minister of Health for relations with international health institutions for the Covid-19 pandemic (2020-2022).
President of the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA) (2020-2022).
Representative of Italy in the Executive Council of the World Health Organization (WHO) (2017-2020).
Principal Investigator of the European Commission’s TO REACH Project involving all European Union countries along with Canada, Israel and the USA (2016-2020).
Director of the Department of Women’s and Children’s Health Sciences and Public Health of the Agostino Gemelli IRCCS University Polyclinic Foundation – Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (January-December 2019).
Member of the Expert Panel on Effective ways of investing in Health of the European Commission (DG-SANTE) (2013-2016 and 2016-2019).
Member of the European Advisory Committee on Health Research (EACHR) of the WHO (2011-2015).
Commissioner (July 2014 – July 2015) and President (August 2015 – December 2018) of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità.
Member of the Board of Directors of the US National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) (2009- 2015).
Member of the Superior Council of Health (2003-2006) and Chair of its Public Health Section (2010-2014).
Vice dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (2010-2014).
President of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) (2003-2004 and 2010-2014).
Member (1999-2003) and Fellow (2003-2007) of the Faculty of Public Health Medicine of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom.
Author of more than 400 scientific publications in impacted journals and 20 books and textbooks.
Responsible for undergraduate and postgraduate courses (Masters and International Courses).
Editor of the European Journal of Public Health, Oxford Handbook of Public Health Practice and founder of the journal Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Public Health.
Honorary Member of the Academy of Sciences of Bologna, the Italian Society of General Medicine, the Italian Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics, the Italian Society of Pediatrics, the Medico-Surgical Society of Bologna.
International Awards
In May 2023, he was awarded the Hugh Levell Award of the World Federation of Public Health Associations, the world’s highest lifetime achievement award in Public Health.
BMA Medical Book Awards in 2015 in the United Kingdom.
Takamine Award in 2015 in Japan.
Edithe J. Levit Award in 2015 in the United States.
August and Marie Krogh.
Major awards in Italy.
Evidence, Assobiotech, 100 Eccellenze Italiane, Cimitile.
In May 2019 he was awarded an Honorary Degree from Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA, for his contribution to the development of Global Public Health.
In June 2017, he was awarded the honor of “Commendatore” of the Italian Republic by Decree of the President of the Republic.