Coscia Group
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Available PostDoc, PhD and internship positions – informal enquiries are welcome.
Our Research
The thyroid gland is a natural bioreactor where rare iodine from the diet is accumulated and used to synthesise thyroid hormones, essential iodinated molecules for the metabolism and development in all vertebrates.
In humans, thyroid disfunction severely impacts cardiovascular homeostasis, metabolism, brain development and function, with increasing incidence Worldwide. Currently, our understanding of molecular events behind thyroid hormone synthesis is far from complete and consequently of major thyroid diseases. We use an integrative structural biology approach to visualise thyroid processes across scales, from atoms to organoids. Our results will unveil how a healthy thyroid works and how its function is altered in specific diseases, such as auto-immune diseases, congenital hypothyroidism and thyroid cancers. In the long term, this research lays basis towards improving diagnosis and treatment of major thyroid disorders. Human Technopole gives us a great opportunity to reach this goal at The Centre for Structural Biology with an excellent, international environment and cutting-edge scientific facilities.
EMAIL CONTACT: francesca.coscia[at]fht.org
Coscia Group 2023
Coscia Group Publications
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP)
- Dario Guerrini: Bachelor Student Bicocca University
- Giacomo Palm: Postgraduate Research Assistant
- Angelica Critelli: Visiting Scientist Istituto Auxologico Hospital
- Carlo Corneo: MSc student
- Camilla Stejskalova: MSc student and Postgraduate fellow
- Federica Miele: MSc Student
Group members
Francesca Coscia
Research Group Leader -
Eliana Bianco
Postdoc -
Irene Boniardi
PhD Student -
Francesco Maggiore
PhD Student -
Karthik Kévin Ramanadane
Postdoc -
Giorgia Tanzi
PhD Student -
Matteo Tassinari
Postdoc -
Laura Tosatto
Senior Technician