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  • Mechanism of ciliary train switch and cargo recognition

    A study by the Pigino Group at Human Technopole reveals that the conversion from anterograde to retrograde intraflagellar transport requires the complete disassembly of anterograde trains at the ciliary tip and provides the mechanisms for direction-specific cargo binding and transport in cilia.

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  • The National Facility for Structural Biology with Paolo Swuec

    Meet Paolo Swuec, responsible for running the Italy’s first Cryo-EM Facility and, today, Head of the National Facility for Structural Biology at Human Technopole: a hub for cutting-edge research, facilitating the structural characterization of biological entities, ranging from tissues to amino acid side-chains.

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  • Chan Zuckerberg Initiative grant to the Glastonbury Group

    The Glastonbury Group is among the recipients of the Data Insights Cycle 3 awards. The aim of the grant is to develop a machine learning model that identifies disease-relevant cell subpopulations whilst predicting a phenotype/disease of interest from large-scale single-cell RNA-seq data.

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  • AI Creates New ‘Alarm Bells’ for Prostate Cancer Recurrence

    A study by Human Technopole, the Institute of Cancer Research and the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust in London has shown that in prostate cancer the presence in the same tumour of cells with large differences in shape and genetic composition indicates an increased risk of relapse, including after a decade. The study may help doctors better tailor treatment for this disease, adopting more aggressive therapies in cases where these parameters indicate a higher risk of disease recurrence.

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Human Technopole plays an active role in communicating science effectively.

Our outreach activity kicked off while the construction of our laboratories was still ongoing. The development of our scientific activity will allow us to share HT’s works through communication campaigns, events, initiatives and dissemination activities aimed at a large and diverse audience: children, students, teachers and citizens from all walks of life.

  • A Proposito di Futuro

    Human Technopole and Treccani Futura present “A Proposito di Futuro”, a festival organized jointly in Milan on Tuesday 15 November 2022. The initiative aims to be an opportunity to discuss the futures that are opening up before us, with an interdisciplinary approach that systematically brings together voices from science, technology and humanities, on issues that […]

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  • MIND

    MIND Milano Innovation District is Milan’s new city district dedicated to science, research and innovation. A real city within a city that looks to the future with a vision that combines scientific, academic and environmental aspects. Alongside Research hospital Galeazzi and Milan University, Human Technopole is one of the leading actors of MIND. We work […]

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  • Festival delle Scienze

    What is the role of life sciences when facing global challenges? Discoveries in the field of genetics, molecular biology or evolution can improve but also pose a threat to our quality of life. Since 2021 Human Technopole is among the scientific partners of the Festival delle Scienze in Rome, to explore and reflect on the […]

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  • HT presents – Dialogues on science and society

    The Human Technopole Foundation is pleased to invite you to a series of events to discuss science, innovation and society. In line with its mission, Human Technopole organises meetings, initiatives and activities aimed at promoting scientific dissemination to reinforce the message that science is a public good. Each ‘HT presents’ will take the cue from the recent publication of […]

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