Flow Cytometry Cell Sorting

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  • Flow Cytometry Cell Sorting

Full-service sorting of rare populations from heterogeneous samples, cell cloning (single cell deposition into multi-well plates), particle enrichment, and high purity bulk sorts.

  • High-recovery and indexed single-cell sorting for sequencing.
  • Cell sorting of many cell types including immune cell and hematopoietic stem cell subsets, mesenchymal stem cells, viable cytokine producing cells and general cell sorting approaches for cell lines and transfected cells.

Sorter technical features:

  • BD FACSDiscover S8
    This instrument is the latest technological advance, representing a breakthrough solution to combine capabilities of cell separation with multiparametric spectral parameter-based analysis and imaging.  Image based cell selection combined with fluorescently labelled tags for determination of tag local. Sorting of up to 6 populations simultaneously with recovery in numerous devices including 384 well microplates. The sorter is equipped with 5 lasers (349 nm, 405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, and 637 nm).
  • MoFlo Astrios EQ
    The sorter features dual forward scatter for enhanced detection of small particles such as MV’s and capable of very high-speed bulk sorting. Sorting of up to 6 populations simultaneously with recovery in numerous devices including 1536 well microplates. The sorter is equipped with 6 lasers (355 nm, 405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, 592 nm, and 640 nm).