Direct awards
HT_2022_312_Corsi di formazione Vmware
CIG: ZDA372CDFAProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per la fornitura di corsi di formazione VmwareType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 4.835,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2022_277_Servizi Amministrazione Personale
CIG: 9346364F8DProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto del servizio in outsourcing di elaborazione paghe e adempimenti connessiType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 90.800,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2022_325_Corso sulla parità di genere
CIG: Z2C374AF8DProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per un corso sulla parità di genereType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 400,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2022_321_Parele legale Selezione DS
CIG: Z4F3744F18Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento servizio di assistenza legale parere pro veritate procedura di selezione del nuovo Direttore ScientificoType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 3.278,69Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
CIG: ZA7374BE13Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per la fornitura di un oscilloscopioType of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto previa richiesta di preventiviList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 2.290,20Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2022_316_Pubblicazione articolo Elsevier
CIG: Z34374C93DProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per il servizio di pubblicazione articolo ElsevierType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 10.500,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2022_300_Digital Vortex
CIG: ZC2371A44FProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per la fornitura di un digital VortexType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 962,47Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2022_324_Coprizaino per welcome kit
CIG: Z27374B9F8Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per la fornitura di coprizaino impermeabili per welcome kitType of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto previa richiesta di preventiviList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 990,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_232_Sistemi di videoconference
CIG: Z753296F5EProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto della fornitura delle Licenze Starleaf e Bluejeans relative agli attuali sistemi di VideoconferenceType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 8.703,74Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2022_261_welcome kit
CIG: ZD13741111Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per la fornitura di welcome kitType of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto previa richiesta di preventiviList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 14.000,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2022_313_Convenzione Energia E 19
CIG: 9333577765Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Adesione alla convenzione Consip per la Fornitura di Energia elettricaType of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto in adesione ad accordo quadro/convenzioneList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 3.253.600,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2022_318_Sostituzione vetro ascensore
CIG: ZEB37359DDProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto della Fornitura e posa di una nuova anta in cristallo per l’impianto elevatore della Fondazione HTType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 1.730,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2022_311_Shaker per incubatore
CIG: Z8D372E071Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per la fornitura di shaker per incubatoreType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 9.900,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2022_308_Licenze JamfPRO
CIG: Z403728227Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto della fornitura di Licenze JamfPRO per iOs CloudType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 1.356,94Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
CIG: Z76371A46AProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per la fornitura di uno stativoType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 791,35Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2022_295_Kit RNA sequencing, sepletion
CIG: Z5D370AC7BProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per la fornitura di Kit RNA sequencing, sepletionType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 908,95Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2022_305_Servizio di supporto sistemistico
CIG: ZA137280D8Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Adesione a Convenzione Consip relativa al servizio di supporto sistemistico per l’infrastruttura networkingType of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto in adesione ad accordo quadro/convenzioneList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 28.444,64Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2022_306_Forimtura di accessori di networking
CIG: ZE8372815AProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Adesione a Convenzione relativa alla fornitura a consumo di materiale e accessori di networkingType of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto in adesione ad accordo quadro/convenzioneList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 28.952,58Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2022_307_Adeguamento BMS Campus
CIG: ZDB37281C5Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: adesione a Convenzione Consip relativa al servizio di adeguamento dei sistemi di Building Management (BMS)Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto in adesione ad accordo quadro/convenzioneList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 10.500,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2022_304_Servizio di Nursery
CIG: Z7237191B0Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto del Servizio di Nursery della Fondazione Human TechnopoleType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 36.750,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums: