Direct awards
HT_2021_343_Posizionamento strategico e Advocacy
CIG: 8944018524Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto servizio definizione e progettazione di un piano integrato di Posizionamento strategico e AdvocacyType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 55.000,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_328_Servizio di assistenza e supporto specialistico Avaya
CIG: 8998011194Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto del Servizio di assistenza e supporto specialistico AvayaType of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto previa richiesta di preventiviList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 57.909,40Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_319_2021 Produzione Video
CIG: Z7B332BE8BProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento del servizio di Produzione di un video sul ruolo centrale di HT nello sviluppo delle Scienze della vitaType of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto previa richiesta di preventiviList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 15.000,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_192_fornitura ed installazione di serramenti presso Palazzo Italia
CIG: Z44318A874Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per la fornitura ed installazione di serramenti presso Palazzo Italia.Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 4.000,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_335_servizio di supporto al programma di adeguamento SAP by Design
CIG: 89341505CFProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto del servizio di supporto al programma di adeguamento SAP by DesignType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 139.200,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_314_Licenze Rstudio
CIG: 8928866D4EProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto della fornitura triennale di licenze RstudioType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 97.867,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_333_Institutional Event in Rome
CIG: Z27334ABA1Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto del servizio per un evento istituzionale nella città di RomaType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 1.896,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_332_corso di formazione denominato “Classificazione dei rifiuti: le nuove Linee Guida governative”
CIG: ZC23347B34Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Acquisto di un corso di formazione denominato “Classificazione dei rifiuti: le nuove Linee Guida governative”Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 210,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_282_Fornitura di Oligonucleotidi
CIG: ZBF3328A47Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per la Fornitura di OligonucleotidiType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 32.000,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_310_Servizio di Consulenza tecnica in materia di sicurezza del trasporto di merci pericolose
CIG: Z7A3348827Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Servizio di Consulenza tecnica in materia di sicurezza del trasporto di merci pericolose Dlg. 35/2010 – Anni 21/22/23Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 13.500,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_268_Servizio di trasporto campioni
CIG: Z3032B9476Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per il Servizio di trasporto campioniType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 4.000,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_326_Fornitura e posa di tende oscuranti e Riqualificazione dei pannelli perimetrali ascensori
CIG: Z83332D354Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto Fornitura e posa di tende oscuranti e Riqualificazione dei pannelli perimetrali ascensoriType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 22.500,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_195_Sample Transfer
CIG: ZD8323FD5AProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto del servizio di Trasporto di celluleType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 1.600,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_301_Filtri per sistemi di acqua pura
CIG: ZEA32B9497Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per Fornitura di filtri per sistemi di acqua puraType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 6.477,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_315_Istanza d'interpello
CIG: Z4B3321D8EProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per un’ istanza d’interpelloType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 4.160,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_317_Procure Notarili
CIG: ZD33323577Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto dei Servizi di Procure NotariliType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 1.064,60Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_316_Procure Notarili
CIG: ZBF33235F5Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto dei Servizi di Procure NotariliType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 364,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
CIG: Z7C32CABCAProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per la Fornitura di AnticorpiType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 15.000,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_263_Fornitura di cancelleria e materiale vario d’ufficio
CIG: 89148796E0Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per la Fornitura di cancelleria e materiale vario d’ufficioType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 100.000,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_286_Affidamento diretto per l’acquisto del sistema di monitoraggio Zabbix
CIG: 88991502E6Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Acquisto del sistema di monitoraggio zabbix, comprensivo dei servizi di consulenza e supporto operativoType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 75.000,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums: