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totalRNA sequencing from standard input

Total RNA sequencing comprehensively analyzes the transcriptome, revealing mRNA and non-coding RNA profiles. This technique aids in understanding gene expression, identifying novel transcripts, and deciphering regulatory mechanisms in various biological processes. The process involves RNA extraction, ribosomal RNA depletion, cDNA library generation via reverse transcription, fragmentation, adaptor ligation, PCR amplification, high-throughput sequencing, and bioinformatic analysis for gene expression quantification and transcript discovery.

Libraries are prepared using the Illumina Total RNA Prep protocol (Illumina) with Ribo-Zero Plus that supports diverse RNA inputs, including FFPE and low-quality samples, and incorporates Ribo-Zero Plus or Ribo-Zero Plus Microbiome for efficient removal of abundant RNA from various species, including human, mouse, rat, bacteria, and complex microbial samples like stool, ideal for meta-transcriptomic studies.


smallRNA sequencing

Small RNA sequencing is crucial for studying short RNA molecules (18-30 nt) involved in gene regulation. It analyzes miRNAs and small RNAs, shedding light on gene regulation, development, and disease. The process involves RNA extraction, size selection, adapter ligation, library amplification, size selection, sequencing, and bioinformatics analysis to identify and quantify small RNAs. High-throughput sequencing reveals small RNA profiles, which are analyzed through bioinformatics to identify miRNAs, siRNAs, and piRNAs, aiding in understanding their roles in cellular processes.

Libraries are prepared using the SMARTer smRNA-Seq Kit (Takara) that is compatible with total RNA or enriched small RNA, incorporating SMART technology and primers with locked nucleic acids (LNAs). Users can analyze various small RNA species and create complex sequencing libraries. Illumina adapters and index sequences are added during library amplification, ensuring unbiased representation of diverse small RNA species.


mRNA sequencing from standard and low input

mRNA sequencing analyzes the transcriptome, revealing gene expression patterns and novel transcripts in cells or tissues. The process involves RNA isolation, cDNA synthesis via reverse transcription, library preparation with added adapters, high-throughput sequencing, and bioinformatic analysis mapping reads to a reference genome or transcriptome to discern gene expression levels and novel transcripts.

mRNA sequencing from standard RNA input is performed with Illumina Stranded mRNA Prep protocol (Illumina) that ensures precise strand orientation measurement, uniform coverage, and high-confidence detection of novel features like isoforms and gene fusions.

mRNA sequencing from RNA low input is performed with the SMART-Seq v4 PLUS Kit (Takara). SMART technology ensures full-length transcript information, enabling analysis of isoforms, gene fusions, and mutations, with improved gene detection via locked nucleic acid (LNA) technology. High reproducibility and accurate coverage of GC-rich transcripts are ensured.