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NATIONAL FACILITY FOR GENOMICS – Single-Cell Sequencing Analysis

Single-cell multiome ATAC + Gene expression (10X Genomics)

Single-cell multiome ATAC + Gene Expression technology by 10X Genomics enables concurrent profiling of chromatin accessibility and gene expression at the single-cell level, offering a holistic view of cellular molecular landscapes. It aids in understanding cellular diversity, identifying cell types, deciphering regulatory networks, and correlating chromatin accessibility with gene expression.

The ATAC-seq component assesses the accessibility of chromatin, offering insights into regions of the genome that are open and accessible for transcription factors and other regulatory elements. Concurrently, the RNA-seq component captures messenger RNA transcripts present in each nucleus, shedding light on active genes and their expression levels.

The workflow involves cell isolation, nuclei preparation, transposase reaction for ATAC-seq, GEM formation, reverse transcription for RNA-seq, library preparation, high-throughput sequencing, and specialized bioinformatics analysis for data processing.

NATIONAL FACILITY FOR GENOMICS – Single-Cell Sequencing Analysis

Single-cell Immune profiling-V(D)J (10X Genomics)

Single-cell immune profiling with 10x Genomics technology enables 5′ RNA sequencing at the single-cell level, alongside profiling T-cell and/or B-cell receptors at single-cell resolution by sequencing V(D)J regions. Cells are isolated into droplets, where RNA is barcoded at the 5′ end. cDNA synthesis and targeted amplification yields three types of libraries: GEX libraries for single-cell gene expression analysis, and libraries for TCR and BCR gene profiling. Pooled libraries undergo high-throughput Illumina sequencing. Bioinformatics tools demultiplex reads, assign to cells based on barcodes, and identify T and B cell clones, providing insights into gene expression and immune cell repertoire diversity and clonal expansion.

NATIONAL FACILITY FOR GENOMICS – Single-Cell Sequencing Analysis

Single-cell ATAC sequencing (10X Genomics)

Single-cell ATAC sequencing with 10X Genomics profiles chromatin accessibility of individual cells/nuclei, revealing cellular heterogeneity and regulatory processes. The scATAC-seq protocol involves cell isolation, nuclei extraction, transposase reaction for chromatin fragmentation and adapter addition, GEM formation for nuclei encapsulation with unique barcodes, library preparation via PCR amplification, high-throughput sequencing, and data analysis to identify accessible chromatin regions.

NATIONAL FACILITY FOR GENOMICS – Single-Cell Sequencing Analysis

Single-cell 3'RNAsequencing or Single-cell gene Expression Flex (10X Genomics)

Single-cell 3′ RNA sequencing with 10x Genomics technology allows gene expression study at a single-cell level, profiling thousands to tens of thousands of cells in parallel. It captures cellular heterogeneity, identifies rare cell types, and discerns gene expression differences, enhancing understanding of cellular diversity. The process involves cell isolation into droplets, RNA capture and barcoding and cDNA synthesis, library preparation, pooling, sequencing, and bioinformatic analysis for single-cell transcriptomic profiling.

The Single Cell Gene Expression Flex assay by 10X Genomics, enables single-cell/nuclei RNA-seq libraries from formaldehyde-fixed cells and tissues, including FFPE blocks. Utilizing sequence-specific probe pairs for about 18,000 human and 19,000 mouse genes, this method accounts for RNA degradation. Sample multiplexing, facilitated by sample barcodes in probes, allows pooling of discrete cell populations, accommodating up to 16 samples and potentially analyzing 128,000 cells per GEM reaction.