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Sequencing only with NovaSeq 6000 (Illumina)

The NF for Genomics will provide sequencing of pools of libraries prepared by the users with the NovaSeq6000 sequencing platform (Illumina).

The NovaSeq 6000 sequencing platform by Illumina offers high-throughput capabilities, making it ideal for diverse genomic studies. With its scalability and sequencing-by-synthesis technology, it efficiently generates large amounts of sequencing data. Its dual-flow cell design allows parallel sequencing of multiple samples, reducing turnaround times. Common applications include whole genome sequencing, exome sequencing, transcriptome analysis (bulk and single-cell RNA-Seq), metagenomics, epigenomics, and population genomics. This platform is pivotal for comprehensive genomic research, from understanding genetic variations to characterizing microbial communities and studying epigenetic modifications.


Sequencing only with NextSeq 2000 (Illumina)

The NF for Genomics will provide sequencing of pools of libraries prepared by the users with the NextSeq2000 sequencing platform (Illumina).

The NextSeq 2000, an Illumina platform, is renowned for its high-throughput benchtop sequencing capabilities, offering flexibility and scalability for diverse applications. It employs sequencing-by-synthesis technology, capturing emitted fluorescence to determine DNA sequences. With versatile configurations, it supports various flow cell setups and sequencing kits, catering to different project scales. Commonly used for whole genome sequencing (WGS), RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq), targeted sequencing (including amplicon sequencing and target capture), exome sequencing, metagenomics, and ChIP-Seq and epigenomics studies, the NextSeq 2000 is pivotal in genomics research, enabling comprehensive analysis of genetic and epigenetic features across diverse biological samples.


Sequencing only with MiSeq (Illumina)

The NF for Genomics will provide sequencing of pools of libraries prepared by the users with the MiSeq sequencing platform (Illumina).

The MiSeq, an Illumina platform, is a compact benchtop sequencer ideal for smaller-scale sequencing projects. It employs sequencing-by-synthesis technology, enabling the determination of DNA sequences via fluorescently labeled nucleotides. With compatibility with various reagent kits and chemistries, users can tailor sequencing protocols to their experiment needs. Commonly used for targeted sequencing (amplicon sequencing, target capture, and custom panels), small genome sequencing (bacterial or viral), metagenomics, 16S rRNA sequencing, small RNA-Seq for gene expression profiling, and viral genome sequencing, the MiSeq facilitates diverse applications in genomics research, particularly in microbial diversity studies and viral evolution analysis.