Available Services
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Zeiss LSM 980 NLO confocal microscope with multiphoton excitation
Point-scanning confocal microscope with multiphoton excitation and Airyscan2 detector, 5 laser lines (405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, 594 nm, and 639 nm), multiphoton excitation with a tunable Ti:Sa laser (700 nm – 1300 nm) and a fixed (1040 nm) laser line, 6 non-descanned detectors (4 PMT and 2 BiG), epifluorescence excitation and sCMOS camera.
Zeiss LSM 980 confocal microscope
Point-scanning confocal microscope with Airyscan2 detector, 5 laser lines (405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, 594 nm, and 639 nm), sample finder, epifluorescence excitation and sCMOS camera.
Zeiss Lattice Lightsheet
Lattice lightsheet with 3 lasers (488 nm, 561 nm, and 640 nm) and dual cameras.
Zeiss Elyra7 super resolution microscope
Lattice structured illumination and localization microscope with 4 laser lines (405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, and 638 nm), dual sCMOS cameras, TIRF, PALM, and STORM modules
Zeiss AxioZoom V16
Binocular microscope with motorized stage and focus for large FOV acquisition, back-illuminated sCMOS camera and Apotome module.
Zeiss Axioscope 5
Manual, upright wide-field microscope with LED epifluorescence illuminator and monochrome sCMOS camera, condenser for phase and darkfield imaging.
Nikon Ti2 spinning disk with four cameras, TIRF condenser and FRAP module
Spinning disk confocal microscope with 7 excitation laser lines (405 nm, 446 nm, 477 nm, 520 nm, 547 nm, 638 nm, and 749 nm), 4 high-power laser lines for FRAP and TIRF (405 nm, 488 nm, 520 nm, and 640 nm), 4 high-speed, large FOV back-illuminated sCMOS cameras.
Leica Thunder imager Live Cell
Motorized, inverted wide-field microscope with digital clearing. Epifluorecence illuminator with 8 single LEDs (395 nm, 438 nm, 475 nm, 551 nm, 555 nm, 575 nm, 635 nm and 730 nm) and sCMOS camera.
Leica Stellaris 8 for super-resolution imaging
Confocal microscope with STED module and tandem scanners (conventional and resonant), white laser (up to 8 simultaneous laser lines between 440 nm and 790nm), 405 nm laser, AOBS tunable dichroic and integrated FLIM module.
Leica Stellaris 8 for live-cell imaging
Point-scanning confocal microscope with white light laser (up to 8 simultaneous laser lines between 440 nm and 790nm), 405 nm laser, AOBS tunable dichroic, dual scanner (conventional and resonant) and integrated FLIM module.
Abberior STED with adaptive optics
STED microscope with 4 laser sources (405 nm, 485 nm, 561 nm, and 640 nm), depletion laser (755 nm), adaptive optics system, MATRIX detectors and FLIM module