Available Services
In this section, you may browse through all services available across all National Facilities. Use the filter function to filter services by National Facility, Infrastructural Unit or category of service. In addition, you may use the text search function to search across services using key words. Please note the system will search your chosen key word either in the service title or description.
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Experimental Design and Pilot Experiment
This service allows exploring the potential of single molecule techniques. It is dedicated to Users with no prior experience with dynamic single molecule (DSM) approaches who would like to obtain ‘proof of concept’ data necessary to plan future experiments. The unit is equipped with two state-of-the-art instruments: (1) c-trap and (2) c-trap edge. The c-trap relies on confocal scanning, and it is predominantly used for imaging in solution. C-trap edge has an option to switch between wide field fluorescence and TIRF. In addition, c-trap edge allows for label free imaging based on IRM, which makes this instrument ideal for imaging close to the surface. The Unit can assist in a very broad spectrum of experimental approaches.
Data Acquisition
This service is dedicated to projects where specific single molecule assays have been already established or, alternatively, should be combined with ‘assay development’ service as a simple ‘package’. Examples of experiments currently performed routinely by the unit: (i) detecting changes to DNA structure upon protein binding e.g., melting, looping, compaction; (ii) characterizing protein behaviour upon binding to DNA (diffusion, direct motion, interactions with other proteins). This service can be performed by the Facility Staff or by a trained User. The training can be provided by the unit as part of this service. Full training typically requires 3-5 days. The User can spend up to 10 days at the Facility. The work can be split into two visits. Original data will be handed to the User as .h5 files. The unit will assist the User in accessing the files using Pylake. In case of kymographs, the Facillty Staff can provide a short training on existing tools such as Lakeview.
Assay Development
This service is dedicated to projects aiming to explore and develop complex biochemical assays or assays that had never been performed before. Examples: activity assays (e.g., transcription), motility surface assays, cell manipulation assays. This service will only be performed by Facility Staff, ideally accompanied by the User. As part of this service, the Facility Staff will check sample quality, troubleshoot, and define optimal conditions for data acquisition. If possible, an automation protocol for the experiment can be developed to streamline future data collection. The User can spend up to 10 days in the Facility, testing various samples. The work can be split into two visits. The outcome of this service is an established protocol that can be used for ‘data acquisition’ service.