High-resolution Cryo-TEM Imaging

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This service provides high-resolution cryo-TEM data collection of vitrified specimens. To ensure efficient usage of high-end microscope time this service is exclusively dedicated to EM grid ready for data collection at the time of application (i.e. user cannot request this service together with service SB-IU1-B – Cryo-EM Screening). A maximum of 2 samples for data collection can be requested per application. For each sample a maximum of 48hr of microscope time can be requested per application. According to instrument availability and experimental needs, data collection will be carried out either on 200kV or 300kV microscope systems. The User can provide cryo-TEM grids either unmounted or mounted on a Thermo Scientific cartridge. In case of an unmounted grid, clipping of the specimen in Thermo Scientific cartridges will be performed by NF staff. In case of User-provided already-clipped grids, these will be inspected by NF staff prior to acceptance. Imaging at 200 kV will be performed on a Thermo Scientific Glacios while imaging at 300 kV will be performed on a Thermo Scientific Titan Krios G4, both equipped with a Falcon 4i direct electron detector and a Selectris X energy filter. Imaging conditions (i.e., dose, pixel size, magnification, etc.), if requested by the User, must be compatible with the NF best practices. Microscope time includes all steps from clipping to loading and TEM alignments and according to NF staff availability. For single-particle acquisition, User might opt for beam-image shift assisted data collection (~ 450 – 600 movies/hour) or stage movement for each hole (~ 100 – 250 movies/hour). This service will only be performed by NF staff.