Alessandro Vitriolo
- Affiliate Scientist, Testa Group
Alessandro has a solid background in epigenetics, neurodevelopment, and human evolution, combined with a deep hands-on knowledge of bulk and single-cell omics data analysis and integration. Before joining the Testa lab he worked for 5 years in computational structural biology, applied to basic research, drug-development and -repurposing. Thanks to an EMBO exchange grant fellowship, he is working in the lab of Prof. Ana Pombo at the Max Delbruck Center in Berlin, developing methods to integrate Genome Architecture Mapping (GAM) with single-cell multiomics to study chromatin dynamics in excitatory neurons.
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10/2022 - BioRxiv
7q11.23 CNV alters protein synthesis and REST-mediated neuronal intrinsic excitability
Copy number variations (CNVs) at 7q11.23 cause Williams-Beuren (WBS) and 7q microduplication syndromes (7Dup), two neurodevelopmental disorders with shared and opposite cognitive-behavioral phenotypes. Using patient-derived and isogenic neurons, we integrated transcriptomics, translatomics and proteomics to elucidate the molecular underpinnings of this dosage effect. We found that 7q11.23 CNVs cause opposite alterations in neuronal differentiation and […]
08/2019 - Human Molecular Genetics
From enhanceropathies to the epigenetic manifold underlying human cognition
A vast portion of intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorders is genetically caused by mutations in chromatin modulators. These proteins play key roles in development and are also highly expressed in the adult brain. Specifically, the pivotal role of chromatin regulation in transcription has placed enhancers at the core of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) studies, ushering […]