Helen Elizabeth Foster
- Postdoc, Pigino Group
2022-2024 | Post-doctoral EMBO fellowship |
01/2023 - Nature Structural & Molecular Biology
The molecular structure of IFT-A and IFT-B in anterograde intraflagellar transport trains
Anterograde intraflagellar transport (IFT) trains are essential for cilia assembly and maintenance. These trains are formed of 22 IFT-A and IFT-B proteins that link structural and signaling cargos to microtubule motors for import into cilia. It remains unknown how the IFT-A/-B proteins are arranged into complexes and how these complexes polymerize into functional trains. Here […]
08/2022 - BioRxiv
The Molecular Structure of Anterograde Intraflagellar transport trains
Anterograde intraflagellar transport trains are essential for cilia assembly and maintenance. These trains are formed of 22 IFTA and IFTB proteins that link structural and signalling cargoes to microtubule motors for import into cilia. It remains unknown how the IFTA/B proteins are arranged into complexes and how these complexes polymerise into functional trains. Here, we […]