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Call for Sponsorship No.04 - I2K – From Images to Knowledge Conference 2024

Submission Deadline: 31/08/2024

Type of event/activity: I2K – From Images to Knowledge Conference 2024


Human Technopole (HT) is looking for sponsors to contribute to the I2K – From Images to Knowledge Conference that will take place from October 23rd to October 25th, 2024 at HT premises in Milan, Italy.

The aim of the biennial I2K Conference is to bring together developers, researchers, and students working in the field of computational image analysis from all over the world. As life science studies increasingly rely on microscopy images, learning to perform quantitative analysis on these data to reach sound conclusions is a key asset. Over the years, I2K Conference has become a flagship event for all those scientists willing to dive deep into the topic through interactive tutorials covering cutting-edge open-source solutions for biological image reconstruction and analysis. During the 2024 I2K Conference at HT, participants will have the opportunity to learn and discuss both well-established tools and forward-looking strategies for pressing bioimage analysis challenges.

The conference will consist of on-site lectures, parallel hands-on workshops and two poster sessions, and will be open to up to 200 participants. “Rising stars” in the field of computational image analysis will participate in the workshops, both as tutors and participants, creating a unique opportunity for advanced training and interaction.

This edition of the I2K Conference is organised by Florian Jug, Research Group Leader at HT (Italy), Joran Deschamps, Image Analysis Researcher and Research Software Engineer Coordinator at HT (Italy), Aubrey Weigel, Project Scientist at HHMI Janelia Research Campus (USA), Stephan Saalfeld, Group Leader at HHMI Janelia Research Campus (USA), Florian Levet, Senior Researcher at the University of Bordeaux (France), Anna Kreshuk, Group Leader at EMBL (Germany), Beth Cimini, Group Leader at HHMI Janelia Research Campus (USA) and Jinxin Chan, Group Leader at ISAS (Germany).

By providing your sponsorship to the I2K – From Images to Knowledge Conference 2024, you will have the opportunity to stay updated with the latest advancements in the ever-evolving field of bioimage analysis.

Your contribution will foster international collaboration among talented scientists and promote their research towards the development of technologies that will change the way bioimage analysis is performed in the future.

Date: 23/10/2024

Duration: 3 days

Venue: Human Technopole, Milan, Italy

Sponsor’s requirements:

The Sponsors shall:

  • Share HT’s vision of contributing to improving human health and well-being;
  • Not be under proceedings linked to financial difficulties (e.g., insolvency/bankruptcy);
  • Accept the placement of their logo together with other logos (co-sponsorships)
  • Meet the general requirements set out in Article 94 of Italian Legislative Decree 36/2023

HT Offering

Type of Sponsorship
Contribution (€)
Image Analysis Enthusiast (Bronze) Support the participation of two-four participants from developing countries
1,500 – 3,000
  • Sponsor logo on the event website page and related material (e.g., programme)
Big Image Data Handler (Silver) Foster networking among the participants by sponsoring the Coffee Breaks and Lunches
3,000 – 5,000
  • Sponsor logo on the event website page and related material (e.g., programme)
  • Branded pens, notepads or similar branded material (supplied by sponsor) to be distributed during the event
Image Restoration Wizard (Gold) Foster networking among the participants by sponsoring the Poster Sessions and the on-campus Networking events
5,000 – 7,000
  • Sponsor logo on the event website page and related material (e.g., programme)
  • Branded pens, notepads or similar branded material (supplied by sponsor) to be distributed during the event
  • Promotional flyers on tables in the restaurant area
  • Your pull-up banner in the restaurant area
Smart Microscopy Endorser (Diamond) Foster networking among the participants by sponsoring the Social Dinner
7,000 – 10,000
  • Branded pens, notepads or similar branded material (supplied by sponsor) to be distributed during the event
  • Sponsor logo on the event website page and related material (e.g. programme)
  • Promotional flyers on tables in the restaurant area
  • Your pull-up banner in the restaurant area
  • Branded T-shirts/stickers of the course and/or 10-min lecture on a pre-agreed topic by a sponsor representative
  • Exhibition booth

Evaluation Criteria:

  1. Coherence of the Sponsor with HT’s vision and mission
  2. Relevance of the Sponsor’s core business to the field of life sciences and/or technology development
  3. Relevance of the Sponsor’s core business to the aim and content of the event
  4. Visibility that the Sponsor can bring to the event

Application Instructions:

Please fill in the “Sponsorship Form”, ticking and filling “Sponsorship proposal referring to HT Call No.04.” box, and send it to the following e-mail address: htechnopole@pec.fondazioneht.it. Please note that only e-mails sent from a pec address will be considered.