4-Days Full Immersion Training On Technology Transfer In Life Sciences

Location: Human Technopole, Viale Rita Levi-Montalcini 1, Milan – Mezzanine meeting room
Dates: 10-13 October 2022
Registration deadline: 10 July 2022
Fees: the training is free of charge
Working language: English
Target participants: 25 young researchers at the beginning of their academic career in the life sciences sector willing to learn about key aspects of Technology Transfer.
- Researchers from Italian Universities or Italian Research Institutes, and Italian researchers operating in foreign research institutions. 5 spots are reserved for HT scientists
- Postdocs/Researchers who have completed their PhD within the last
- 10 years
- PhD students, only from the 3rd year
- Scientific sectors: all disciplines related to the life sciences and related applications (e.g. pharmaceutical studies, medicine, chemistry, biotechnology, big data and machine learning)
Human Technopole CITT (Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer) together with Netval and IUSS Pavia organize a 4-day full immersion training on Technology Transfer in Life Sciences.
Registration requirements:
- Curriculum vitae
- Motivation letter: containing indications on a) the field of research and/or concrete examples in which you would like to apply technology transfer and b) experience on technology transfer (i.e. concrete experience or any other workshop/course attended)
Evaluation criteria: candidates will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Suitability
- Field of work/experience
- Motivation/research project/idea
Course requirements: personal laptop
Notification of selected participants: end of July 2022
Contact: [email protected]
Privacy: personal data will be processed in accordance with privacy regulations – the notice on data processing policy is available here (Italian – English).