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Direct awards

Start date: 04/02/2022 – End date: 07/02/2022

HT_2021_353_Abbonamento Andaf

CIG: ZC5351D45D
Proposing Organization: Human Technopole Foundation
Object: Affidamento diretto per il servizio di abbonamento “Andaf”
Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto
List of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder:
Total net amount: € 2.000,00
Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:

Start date: 12/01/2022 – End date: 07/02/2022

HT_2022_005_Supporto gestione materiali radioattivi

CIG: Z37351CE72
Proposing Organization: Human Technopole Foundation
Object: Affidamento diretto peri il Supporto gestione materiali radioattivi
Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto
List of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder:
Total net amount: € 30.000,00
Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:

Start date: 10/01/2022 – End date: 07/02/2022

HT_2022_037_Iscrizioni società scientifiche

CIG: Z41351D510
Proposing Organization: Human Technopole Foundation
Object: Affidamento diretto per le iscrizioni alle società scientifiche lotto 2 ISSCR
Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto
List of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder:
Total net amount: € 484,00
Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:

Start date: 10/01/2022 – End date: 07/02/2022

HT_2022_037_Iscrizioni società scientifiche

CIG: Z5C351D57A
Proposing Organization: Human Technopole Foundation
Object: Affidamento diretto per le iscrizioni alle società scientifiche lotto 4 European Society for the study of H
Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto
List of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder:
Total net amount: € 90,00
Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:

Start date: 10/01/2022 – End date: 07/02/2022

HT_2022_037_Iscrizioni società scientifiche

CIG: Z64351D5AC
Proposing Organization: Human Technopole Foundation
Object: Affidamento diretto per le iscrizioni alle società scientifiche lotto 5 SNF
Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto
List of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder:
Total net amount: € 215,00
Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:

Start date: 10/01/2022 – End date: 07/02/2022

HT_2022_037_Iscrizioni società scientifiche

Proposing Organization: Human Technopole Foundation
Object: Affidamento diretto per le iscrizioni alle società scientifiche lotto 6 ESHG
Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto
List of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder:
Total net amount: € 270,00
Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:

Start date: 10/01/2022 – End date: 07/02/2022

HT_2022_037_Iscrizioni società scientifiche

Proposing Organization: Human Technopole Foundation
Object: Affidamento diretto per le iscrizioni alle società scientifiche lotto 7 ASHG
Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto
List of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder:
Total net amount: € 210,00
Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:

Start date: 10/01/2022 – End date: 07/02/2022

HT_2022_037_Iscrizioni società scientifiche

CIG: Z70351D5F7
Proposing Organization: Human Technopole Foundation
Object: Affidamento diretto per le iscrizioni alle società scientifiche lotto 8 Society for the Study of Evolution
Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto
List of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder:
Total net amount: € 120,00
Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:

Start date: 10/01/2022 – End date: 07/02/2022

HT_2022_037_Iscrizioni società scientifiche

CIG: Z45351D624
Proposing Organization: Human Technopole Foundation
Object: Affidamento diretto per le iscrizioni alle società scientifiche lotto 9 SINS FENS
Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto
List of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder:
Total net amount: € 300,00
Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:

Start date: 01/02/2022 – End date: 03/02/2022

HT_2022_028_Kit per QIAcube e altri consumabili

CIG: 90899353A9
Proposing Organization: Human Technopole Foundation
Object: Affidamento diretto per la fornitura di Kit per QIAcube e altri consumabili
Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto
List of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder:
Total net amount: € 50.000,00
Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:

Start date: 01/02/2022 – End date: 03/02/2022

HT_2022_029_Prodotti per NGS e altri consumabili

Proposing Organization: Human Technopole Foundation
Object: Affidamento diretto per la fornitura di Prodotti per NGS e altri consumabili
Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto
List of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder:
Total net amount: € 25.000,00
Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:

Start date: 01/02/2022 – End date: 03/02/2022

HT_2022_030_Prodotti per biotech e diagnostica

CIG: Z47350CDF4
Proposing Organization: Human Technopole Foundation
Object: Affidamento diretto per la fornitura di Prodotti per biotech e diagnostica
Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto
List of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder:
Total net amount: € 20.000,00
Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:

Start date: 01/02/2022 – End date: 03/02/2022

HT_2022_031_Reagenti ed altri consumabili

CIG: 9089945BE7
Proposing Organization: Human Technopole Foundation
Object: Affidamento diretto per la fornitura di Reagenti ed altri consumabili
Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto
List of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder:
Total net amount: € 120.000,00
Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:

Start date: 01/02/2022 – End date: 03/02/2022

HT_2022_032_Kit per analisi e reagenti

CIG: 9089959776
Proposing Organization: Human Technopole Foundation
Object: Affidamento diretto per la fornitura di Kit per analisi e reagenti
Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto
List of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder:
Total net amount: € 85.000,00
Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:

Start date: 25/01/2022 – End date: 03/02/2022

HT_2022_015_Fornitura di consumabili per strumenti di cromatografia

CIG: Z8B3461457
Proposing Organization: Human Technopole Foundation
Object: Affidamento diretto per la fornitura di consumabili per strumenti di cromatografia
Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto
List of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder:
Total net amount: € 30.000,00
Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:

Start date: 21/12/2021 – End date: 03/02/2022

HT_2021_406_Servizio di Facchinaggio

CIG: 9023678EA4
Proposing Organization: Human Technopole Foundation
Object: Affidamento diretto per il Servizio di Facchinaggio triennio 2022 – 2024
Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto previa richiesta di preventivi
List of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder:
Total net amount: € 118.128,00
Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:

Start date: 10/01/2022 – End date: 01/02/2022

HT_2021_383_Integrazione antincendio CED PITA

CIG: Z853509426
Proposing Organization: Human Technopole Foundation
Object: Affidamento diretto del servizio integrazione di sistemi di antincendio sul nuovo Data Center
Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto
List of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder:
Total net amount: € 3.000,00
Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:

Start date: 22/12/2021 – End date: 01/02/2022

HT_2022_018_Noleggio erogatori acqua potabile

Proposing Organization: Human Technopole Foundation
Object: Affidamento diretto del servizio di Noleggio erogatori acqua potabile
Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto
List of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder:
Total net amount: € 20.000,00
Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:

Start date: 02/12/2021 – End date: 31/01/2022

HT_2022_024_Fornitura di riduttori per circuiti gas tecnici, comprensivi di installazione

CIG: ZDD35048D7
Proposing Organization: Human Technopole Foundation
Object: Affidamento diretto della Fornitura di riduttori per circuiti gas tecnici, comprensivi di installazione.
Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto
List of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder:
Total net amount: € 2.149,98
Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:

Start date: 25/01/2022 – End date: 28/01/2022

HT_2022_023_Servizio noleggio sala meeting Roma

CIG: Z3134FE0A2
Proposing Organization: Human Technopole Foundation
Object: Affidamento diretto per il Servizio noleggio di una sala meeting
Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto
List of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder:
Total net amount: € 4.000,00
Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums: