Direct awards
HT_2021_420_Interventi su impianti meccanici ed elettrici
CIG: 9030713C1CProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per il Servizio di interventi su impianti meccanici ed elettrici per allacciamenti strumentazioneType of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto previa richiesta di preventiviList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 100.000,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_441_Pubblicazione Scientifica Vannini
CIG: Z0B34BF81EProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto del servizio di Pubblicazione Scientifica Structural basis of Ty3 retrotransposon.Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 4.530,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
CIG: Z07346E6DCProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto del servizio di verifica del PFTE per la rifunzionalizzazione di Palazzo ItaliaType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 19.240,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_379_Licenze Smartlock
CIG: Z29340BAAFProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Adesione a Convenzione Licenze software multibrand 4 relativa alla fornitura di prodotti software DELLType of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto in adesione ad accordo quadro/convenzioneList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 38.490,92Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_394_Servizio analisi mobility management
CIG: Z7334A746EProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto del Servizio di Analisi del Piano spostamenti casa – lavoroType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 11.600,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_262_Allestimento e manutenzione verde
CIG: 904330535EProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per il servizio di Allestimento e manutenzione verdeType of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto previa richiesta di preventiviList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 130.000,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_434_Corsi di Formazione per RSPP (Moduli A-B-C)
CIG: Z7734A4F45Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per l’acquisto di Corsi di Formazione per RSPP (Moduli A-B-C)Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 4.200,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
CIG: Z123476171Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per la Fornitura e installazione di un impianto elettrostaticoType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 15.000,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_439_Licenze IT glue e Kaseya
CIG: ZAD349F8D6Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto della fornitura di licenze in uso IT GLUE Enterprise e KASEYA VSAType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 35.498,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_435_Fornitura di licenze in uso Matlab
CIG: 9042796F50Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto della Fornitura di licenze in uso MatlabType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 85.800,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_380_Sistema Flexbox
CIG: Z37349606FProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto della fornitura di un sistema di transeiver ottici programmabiliType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 21.275,42Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_412_Fornitura di Alpha Cycler
CIG: Z8E3460671Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per la fornitura di Alpha CyclerType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 39.990,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_427_Servizio mantenimento colonie
CIG: ZBB3485411Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per la fornitura di un servizio di mantenimento colonieType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 15.000,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_425_licenze sistema di firma digitale
CIG: ZB73489F77Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto della fornitura di certificati di firmaType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 6.600,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_395_Licenze SAP Integration Suite
CIG: 9038410BE0Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto della fornitura di licenze SAP Integration SuiteType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 43.200,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_426_Pubblicazione Scientifica Kalebic
CIG: Z363485E4DProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per Pubblicazione Scientifica KalebicType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 2.700,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_424_Sistema di LabNotebook
CIG: 9038493062Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto della fornitura di un sistema di lab managementType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 122.710,60Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_344 Manutenzione specialistica per gli impianti acqua demineralizzata
CIG: 90233521A2Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per il servizio di Manutenzione specialistica per gli impianti acqua demineralizzataType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 123.039,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_423_ Noleggio sala Meeting
CIG: Z04347B4EEProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per il noleggio sala MeetingType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 250,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2021_398_Electrophoresis System
CIG: Z86343A756Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per la fornitura di electrophoresis SystemType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 5.447,04Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums: