Direct awards
HT_2023_091_Fornitura Copie CCNL Chimico
CIG: ZD03A9EC26Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto della fornitura di Copie del CCNL Chimica 2022-2025Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 2.461,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2023_118_servizio di trasporto dedicato con shuttle da e per Palazzo Italia
CIG: Z0D3A978D7Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto del servizio di trasporto dedicato con shuttle da e per Palazzo ItaliaType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 528,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2023_112_Affidamento diretto acquisto opera d'arte
CIG: 9937994416Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: HT_2023_112_Affidamento diretto acquisto opera d’arte post committenza MAXXIType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 100.058,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
CIG: ZD73A66415Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto servizio Yellow taxi anno 2023Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 4.500,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2023_106 Evento Bio Pharma
CIG: ZB43A947BAProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per la partecipazione al Bio Pharma Day 2023Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 3.000,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2023_113_Servizio erogazione pasti
CIG: 973738584CProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: HT_2023_113_Servizio erogazione pasti e uso cucine 4 pianoType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 139.000,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2023_026 Corsi di gruppo di italiano
CIG: ZA33A8AF18Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto del servizio di corsi di italiano per stranieriType of awarding procedure: Affidamento Diretto previa richiesta di preventiviList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 10.800,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2022_376_verifica e avviamento delle attrezzature per la ristorazione e refrigerazione
CIG: Z383A88487Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Servizio di verifica e avviamento delle attrezzature per la ristorazione e refrigerazione presenti in Palazzo ItaliaType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 1.360,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2023_114_verifica punti dati non funzionanti presso gli edifici denominati INC3 e SPA
CIG: Z623A8860BProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto del servizio di verifica punti dati non funzionanti presso gli edifici denominati INC3 e SPAType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 1.373,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2023_078_servizio di pulizie e disinfestazione
CIG: 9733271552Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento del servizio di pulizie e disinfestazioneType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 132.183,13Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2023_111_Kit documentale UNI PdR 125.2022
CIG: Z603A7BA8CProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto della fornitura di un Kit doc. per Sistema di Gestione UNI/PdR 125:2022 in tema di Parità di GenereType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 287,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2023_092_RStudio WB licenses
CIG: ZC03A68AFCProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Fornitura di nr 55 licenze RstudioType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 27.033,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2023_108_Webinar Nuovo codice contratti pubblici
CIG: Z013A78E50Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per la partecipazione al Webinar “Nuovo Codice dei contratti pubblici: panoramica delle novità”Type of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 115,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2023_101_fornitura di prodotti per la manipolazione in sicurezza di azoto liquido
CIG: Z413A731C0Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto della fornitura di prodotti per la manipolazione in sicurezza di azoto liquidoType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 1.742,93Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2023_032 Servizi Grafici
CIG: ZD339F31AFProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto del servizio di supporto e progettazione relativa all’erogazione di servizi graficiType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 39.772,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
C:Usersedoardo.burzioHtechnopoleProcurement – ArHT_2023_095_Octet® Streptavidin (SA) Biosensor
CIG: Z0A3A6DB5AProposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto della fornitura di Octet® Streptavidin (SA) BiosensorType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 3.318,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2023_090 Evento CITT 13 Marzo 2023
CIG: ZE33A65997Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto del servizio di catering e prenotazione spaziType of awarding procedure: –List of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 936,44Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2023_058 Banca dati ONE PA
CIG: Z2B3A3DBB7Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto della fornitura triennale delle licenze per l’accesso alla Banca Dati ONE PAType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 6.240,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2023_085 Iscrizione Royal Society
CIG: ZC73A63C79Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Affidamento diretto per la sottoscrizione dell’abbonamento annuale all’Accademia Royal SocietyType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 124,00Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums:
HT_2023_082_ISSCR Conference
CIG: Z103A4F7A3Proposing Organization: Human Technopole FoundationObject: Iscrizione alla conferenza annuale 2023 ISSCRType of awarding procedure: Affidamento DirettoList of bidders invited to bid/Number of bidders who participated in the process:
Successful bidder: Total net amount: € 2.298,36Time of completion of the work, service or supply:
Amount of the paid sums: