The “tubulin code” in control of molecular train logistics in cilia
By developing a sophisticated in vitro system coupled with advanced imaging techniques and CRISPR genome editing, an international team of researchers from Human Technopole (Italy) and the TUD Dresden University of Technology (Germany) shows that tubulin tyrosination/detyrosination regulates the bidirectional IFT train movement and avoids collision between trains moving in opposite directions along the cilium. The research was funded by the ERC and the DFG “Physics of Life” Excellence Cluster. The results are published in Nature Communications.
Public Notice for HT’s list of lawyers online
The public notice for the creation of a list of lawyers, from which legal representation assignments may be drawn in the interest of the Human Technopole Foundation, is now online.
How SNAPc recruits human RNA polymerases at snRNA genes
Using advanced cryo-electron microscopy and cross-linking mass spectrometry, HT researchers provide unprecedented insight into how SNAPc works as a “dual recruiter” for RNA Polymerase II and III. The findings are published in Nature Communications.
Italy at the centre of the Genome of Europe project
The Human Technopole, ELIXIR Italia, the national node of the European life sciences research infrastructure coordinated by the National Research Council (CNR), and the Centro Cardiologico Monzino, as the Italian coordinating centre, have been selected as the Italian partners of Genome of Europe (GoE), the largest EU-funded genomic project, whose ultimate goal is to make […]
Human Technopole wins 2024 Oscar di Bilancio
On Friday 13 December, at Palazzo Mezzanotte in Milan, the Human Technopole Foundation’s ‘Integrated Report 2023’ received the Oscar di Bilancio in the social enterprises and non-profit organisations category. The award was presented to President Gianmario Verona, Elena Trovesi, Head of Administration, as well as the project leaders Giovanni Selmi, Head of Finance, and Alessandro […]