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  • HT Welcomes the Scientific Community with the New External Seminar Series

HT Welcomes the Scientific Community with the New External Seminar Series

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Human Technopole External Seminar Series, an initiative dedicated to bringing leading researchers from around the world on campus. These scientists, working in various life sciences disciplines, will share their latest research and insights with the HT and external scientific community.

Starting from 12 September with James Briscoe, with two dates in 2024, and continuing throughout 2025, Human Technopole will host talks by internationally renowned scientists who are making significant contributions in various fields, including genomics, neurogenomics, structural biology, computational biology, health data science, biophysical modelling, and molecular cell biology.

These seminars, free and open in presence to everyone, aim to create a space for intellectual exchange that bridges different areas of expertise, contributing to the broader scientific discourse and driving innovation in the study of human health and disease.

Each seminar will take place from 16.00 to 17.00 CET at the Human Technopole Auditorium in Milan. To participate, registration is required via the forms that will be made available.


  • 12 September 2024 – James Briscoe, The Francis Crick Institute
  • 7 November 2024 – Julia Mahamid, EMBL Heidelberg
  • 3 April 2025 – Kai Simons, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
  • 15 May 2025 – Julie Theriot, University of Washington
  • 5 June 2025 – Soumya Raychaudhuri, Harvard Medical School
  • 12 June 2025 – Elena Conti, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
  • 2 October 2025 – Francesca Peri, University of Zurich
  • 6 November 2025 – Erin Schuman, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research
  • 13 November 2025 – Yifan Cheng, University of California, San Francisco



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