A Proposito di Futuro

Human Technopole and Treccani Futura present “A Proposito di Futuro”, a festival organized jointly in Milan on Tuesday 15 November 2022.
The initiative aims to be an opportunity to discuss the futures that are opening up before us, with an interdisciplinary approach that systematically brings together voices from science, technology and humanities, on issues that question the relationship between technology and different fields (art and culture, medicine, education).
The event will be held in person, from 10.00 to 17.00, at the Human Technopole Auditorium (viale Rita Levi-Montalcini, 1 – Milan) within the MIND Milano Innovation District.
The agenda includes guests from the world of culture, science and technology, which will hold dialogues about key contemporary themes.
Registration will be open until November 14th at 12:00.
Moderator: Andrea Daniele Signorelli, Wired
10.30 Opening
Gianmario Verona, President Human Technopole
10.40 From the philosophy of physics to the frontiers of quantum entanglement
Angelo Bassi, Prof. Department of Physics, University of Trieste
Paolo Pecere, Prof. History of Philosophy, University of Roma Tre
11.20 The relationship of the world of culture and art with new technologies
Panel discussion
Ilaria Bonacossa, Director of the National Museum of Digital Art
Angelo Crespi, Scientific Director of Valore Italia
Ilaria Mancia, curator and playwright of performing arts
Marco Mancuso, critic, curator and professor of contemporary art at the University of Bologna
12.40 Climate Art Project
Andrea Conte, Studio Andreco, Visual artist and PhD in environmental engineering
13.00 Break
14.00 Development of multisensory: technologies and applications
Monica Gori, researcher of the Italian Institute of Technology
14.40 Analyzing methods and understanding data for health and society
Panel discussion
Marco D’Eramo, journalist and sociologist
Francesca Ieva, Associate Head Health Data Science Centre, Human Technopole & Statistics Professor, Politecnico of Milan
Federico Nati, Astrophysicist, Associate Professor at the Department of Physics of the University of Milano-Bicocca
16.00 Technology and future imaginaries on stage
Milo Rau, Director, journalist and essayist
Giacomo Bisordi, director and playwright
16.40 Closing