
The ‘Call 4 Ideas’ of MIND Education asks university and doctoral students enrolled in Italian and Italian-speaking Swiss universities to develop proposals on key issues for the development of the MIND innovation district project. These are innovative licensing strategies for the MIND brand and the management and use of data generated and shared by MIND partners.

The three best projects, selected by a jury of professionals and researchers, receive a prize: five thousand euros for the winners, three thousand and two thousand euros for the second and third classified.

Call4Ideas 2024

In the 2024 edition, the Call 4 Ideas of MIND Education rewarded four Master’s degree theses of students from the University of Milan and the Polytechnic of Milan, dedicated to developing and deepening awareness and research in the field of microplastics.

Call4Ideas 2023

After the success of the 2022 edition, the themes of the 2023 edition are:

  • “Big Data for Gender Equality”: to develop solutions and initiatives that leverage the use of Big Data for the development of MIND services and infrastructures that take into account and are geared toward actions and arrangements capable of limiting/eliminating gender inequality;
  • “MIND Fashion”: to conceive and design a clothing line or product inspired by the city of the future and intended for its inhabitants, identifying innovative and sustainable production methods.

Human Technopole is promoting the initiative with the other partners of MIND Education: Arexpo, Fondazione Triulza, Lendlease, Human Technopole, Gruppo San Donato, University of Milan, Politecnico di Milano.

Call4Ideas 2022

The Call 4 Ideas 2022 asks young students to develop proposals on two key issues for the development of the MIND innovation district: the management and activation of the temporary phase “Meanwhile solution @MIND” and the usage of digital technologies and Big data in the health sector to improve the health and well-being of citizens “Health Data Science”.

Human Technopole participates in the call with the other organizers and partners of the MIND project: Arexpo, Lendlease, Fondazione Triulza, Ircss Galeazzi, Università Statale di Milano. This year the project involves also private companies with the participation of Federated Innovation area Life Sciences & Health Care: Accenture, AstraZeneca, Be Whiz, Bio4Dreams, Bracco, Life Science District, Nippon Gases Italia, Novartis, Stevanato Group, Synlab.

Call4Ideas 2021

Human Technopole participates in the Call4Ideas 2021 for the management and use of data generated and shared by MIND partners, to imagine new solutions, in the life sciences and beyond, based on the use of data flows of MIND actors, or on the innovative generation of such flows, through original devices and methods.


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