Eva Mameli Calvino

Eva Mameli Calvino was an Italian botanist and naturalist. After obtaining her first degree in Mathematics from the University of Cagliari, she continued her studies and also graduated in Natural Sciences in Pavia. In 1920 she moved to Cuba with her husband Mario Calvino who had been called to direct the local Experimental Agronomic Station for the production of sugar cane. Upon their return to Italy, Eva managed the Botanical Garden of the University of Cagliari and after the death of her husband she took over the management of the Orazio Raimondo Experimental Floriculture Station in Sanremo. Her studies focussed on lichenology, mycology and plant physiology, as well as genetics applied to ornamental plants, phytopathology and floriculture.
SOURCE: http://www.enciclopediadelledonne.it/biografie/eva-mameli-calvino/