Science for all

Workshop: Science Map – Open data and public policies

Our second workshop, which sees the participation of members of the academic and scientific community as well as institutional, private and third sector representatives, proposes a reflection on methods of access, use and interpretation of data and the role that these can have, including impacts and opportunities, in the development of public policies aimed at protecting the collective interest. How do we regulate access and sharing of valuable but also highly sensitive information?

In a society where data is increasingly present, but is not always used “well”, how do we transmit the culture of data to citizens while promoting data education from a citizen science perspective? How often should decision makers guide their decisions on the basis of scientific evidence. 

Friday 26 February 2021, h 15.00 – 18.30 (online).

Institutional welcome Patrizio Bianchi, Minister for Education

Opening remarks Francesca Ieva, Politecnico di Milano


Francesca AngloisAssociazione per lo Sviluppo della Valutazione e l’Analisi delle Politiche Pubbliche (ASVAPP)

Ivana PaisUniversità Cattolica

Bruna GumieroOsservatorio Citizen Science | Università di Bologna

Gabriele PelisseroFondazione Sanità Futura | Università di Pavia

Stefano Zapperi, Complex Data | Università di Milano

Andrea BorrusoOnData

Andrea SottorivaComputational Biology Research Centre, Human Technopole

Luciano ViolanteFondazione Leonardo

Francesca De ChiaraFondazione Bruno Kessler

Stefania Vasselli, Direzione Generale Prevenzione del Ministero della Sanità

Andrea TrentiniUniversità di Milano

Moderated by

Niccolò Donati, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli

With the participation of 

Federico Magrin, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli

For further information and to sign up, please visit:


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