Gianmario Verona
- President
Gianmario Verona, nominated President of the Supervisory Board of the Human Technopole Foundation in July 2022. Rector of Bocconi University (2016-2022). He is Professor of Management and his research, teaching and advisor activity are focused on the strategic and organizational management of technology and innovation.
Professional experience
Since November 2016, he has been Rector of Bocconi University — in this role he is in charge of the strategy and the academic accomplishments of the whole university which includes 5 schools, 8 departments and 10 research centers. Before taking over the Rectorship, he was Dean of the Faculty of Bocconi – supervising the hiring, promotion and compensation of the 400 Bocconi permanent faculty members. Professor Verona has also been the Director of the full time MBA program of SDA Bocconi School of Management (2010-2012) and of the PhD in Business Administration (2007-2009) of Bocconi University – orchestrating the levers of the fundamental KPIs of the programs.
Over the years he has collaborated with many Global500 companies, SMEs and newly founded startups in terms of applied research, executive education and advisor activity. His experience includes: technology and innovation management, entrepreneurship, digital transformation.
He currently sits as an independent member on the boards of Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and of Fondazione Romeo ed Enrica Invernizzi.
Between 2016 and 2020 he has been an independent board member of Manuli Rubber Industries Corporation.
He is an open-ed columnist of Corriere della Sera on topics related to human capital, technology management and digital transformation.
Academic Positions
Since 2008 Full Professor of Management at Bocconi University.
Between 2007-2013 Winter Term Visiting Professor at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College.
Between 1997-1998 Visiting Scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
In 2022 he has been awarded the “Grandi Guglie” of the Centro Studi Grande Milano for his contribution and impact to the city of Milan.
In 2012 Professor Verona was endowed by Bocconi University the Telecom Italia Chair in market innovation.
Between 2008 and 2010 Professor Verona was elected as the director of the unit on Competitive Strategy of the Strategic Management Society – the leading international academic and practitioner association on strategic management – for which he received the prize of Excellence in Service in 2011.
Bachelor degree in Business Administration in 1994 and PhD in Business Administration at Bocconi University in 1999.
He is author of 90+ articles and 6 books on technology strategy and new product development.
His Google Scholar citation is 9677 with an H index = 31.
He has published in all leading academic international management journals and he’s also a contributor to practitioners’ outlets such as Harvard Business Review and MIT Sloan Management Review.
He has been editor of Strategic Organization and member of the editorial board of Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management and Journal of Management Studies.
Personal information
He was born in Limbiate (MB) on March 16, 1970.
He is married with Paola and father of Lorenzo (16) and Alessandro (13).