Luisa Zuccolo

Dr. Luisa Zuccolo is an epidemiologist with expertise in causal inference applied to population health. Following her first degree in Physics, she obtained a Fellowship from the University of Turin, Italy, in Cancer Epidemiology and Surveillance. She then moved to the University of Bristol (UK) and was awarded a pre-doctoral Fellowship from the UK Medical Research Council to complete an MSc in Epidemiology (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) and a PhD in Genetic Epidemiology with Prof. George Davey Smith (University of Bristol). She was then awarded a second MRC Fellowship in Population Health Science and Epidemiology, after which, in 2018, she secured a tenured position at the University of Bristol. Dr. Zuccolo’s past research includes the causal effects of alcohol on health, in particular of prenatal alcohol exposure, using methods and designs that improve causal inference. More recently, she has focussed on maternal and child health, researching barriers to and effects of prolonged breastfeeding, the impact of COVID-19 on fertility and pregnancy outcomes, and misinformation around public health messaging on social media.