Nikolai Klena
- Postdoc, Pigino Group
Peeking inside a cell’s antenna – EMBO interview
2021-2023 | Post-doctoral EMBO fellowship |
09/2024 - Nature Methods
Serialized on-grid lift-in sectioning for tomography (SOLIST) enables a biopsy at the nanoscale
Cryo-focused ion beam milling has substantially advanced our understanding of molecular processes by opening windows into cells. However, applying this technique to complex samples, such as tissues, has presented considerable technical challenges. Here we introduce an innovative adaptation of the cryo-lift-out technique, serialized on-grid lift-in sectioning for tomography (SOLIST), addressing these limitations. SOLIST enhances throughput, […]
10/2022 - Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol
Structural Biology of Cilia and Intraflagellar Transport
Cilia are ubiquitous microtubule-based eukaryotic organelles that project from the cell to generate motility or function in cellular signaling. Motile cilia or flagella contain axonemal dynein motors and other complexes to achieve beating. Primary cilia are immotile and act as signaling hubs, with receptors shuttling between the cytoplasm and ciliary compartment. In both cilia types, […]
07/2022 - Science
In situ architecture of the ciliary base reveals the stepwise assembly of intraflagellar transport trains
The cilium is an antenna-like organelle that performs numerous cellular functions, including motility, sensing, and signaling. The base of the cilium contains a selective barrier that regulates the entry of large intraflagellar transport (IFT) trains, which carry cargo proteins required for ciliary assembly and maintenance. However, the native architecture of the ciliary base and the […]