Sheida Rahnamai Kordasiabi
- PhD Student, Jug Group
Sheida Joined JugLab at HT on Dec 2021 as a PhD candidate in cooperation with TU Dresden (Technische Universität Dresden), Germany. She is working on the Object Tracking problem on Microscopy Images as part of her PhD. The overall goal of tracking is to segment objects from image data and then link the found instances (segments), that represent the same objects, between consecutive time points. Her approach will be working on object segmentation and object tracking via primal/dual optimization methods.
After finishing her B.Sc. in Computer Science (2012 – 2017) at the Faculty of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science of University of Tehran, Iran, she was awarded a grant from the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union for M.Sc. in ERASMUS MUNDUS joint in Advanced Systems Dependability at the Maynooth University, Ireland.
As part of her mobility path, she studied Artificial Intelligence at the University of St Andrews, Scotland (2018 – 2019) and Formal Methods at the Université de Lorraine, France (2019 – 2020). For her master thesis, she worked on “Recurrent Neural Network based Optimization of Deep Neural Networks” under supervision of Dr Oggie Arandelovic. She finished her M.Sc. after doing her internship (03/2020 – 08/2020) at LORIA Research Institute – TYPE Group under the supervision of Prof. Didier GALMICHE working on “Solving Reachability Constraints in Multiplicative Intuitionistic Linear Logic Resource Graphs”.
Awards and Grants:
2018 – 2020 Full Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Grant for studying two years of joint master in Advanced Systems Dependability
Sheida.rahnamai [at] fht [dot] org, Rahnamai.sh [at] gmail [dot] com