02/2022 - Spatio-temporal, optogenetic control of gene expression in organoids

Organoids derived from stem cells become increasingly important to study human development and to model disease. However, methods are needed to control and study spatio-temporal patterns of gene expression in organoids. To this aim, we combined optogenetics and gene perturbation technologies to activate or knock-down RNA of target genes, at single-cell resolution and in programmable […]

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01/2022 - A Deep Variational Approach to Clustering Survival Data

In this work, we study the problem of clustering survival data — a challenging and so far under-explored task. We introduce a novel semi-supervised probabilistic approach to cluster survival data by leveraging recent advances in stochastic gradient variational inference. In contrast to previous work, our proposed method employs a deep generative model to uncover the […]

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01/2022 - Leveraging crosslinking mass spectrometry in structural and cell biology

Crosslinking mass spectrometry (crosslinking-MS) is a versatile tool providing structural insights into protein conformation and protein-protein interactions. Its medium-resolution residue-residue distance restraints have been used to validate protein structures proposed by other methods and have helped derive models of protein complexes by integrative structural biology approaches. The use of crosslinking-MS in integrative approaches is underpinned by […]

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01/2022 - Roots of the Malformations of Cortical Development in the Cell Biology of Neural Progenitor Cells

The cerebral cortex is a structure that underlies various brain functions, including cognition and language. Mammalian cerebral cortex starts developing during the embryonic period with the neural progenitor cells generating neurons. Newborn neurons migrate along progenitors’ radial processes from the site of their origin in the germinal zones to the cortical plate, where they mature […]

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