05/2019 - In situ cryo-electron tomography and subtomogram averaging of intraflagellar transport trains

In situ cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) and subtomogram averaging are powerful tools, able to provide 3D structures of biological samples at sub-nanometer resolution, while preserving information about cellular context and higher-order assembly. Best results are typically achieved, when applied to highly repetitive structures, such as viruses. Other typical examples are protein complexes that decorate long stretches along ciliary microtubules at […]

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05/2019 - Turning big data into smart data: two examples based on the analysis of the Mappa dei Rischi dei Comuni Italiani

The recently presented Mappa dei Rischi dei Comuni Italiani is a freely accessible web portal, implemented by ISTAT, which provides integrated data on different natural risks in Italian municipalities together with socio-economic and demographic data We here illustrate two paradigmatic examples where the big data of the Mappa are transformed into smart data using advanced […]

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05/2019 - Long-term correlations in short, non-stationary time series: An application to international R&D collaborations

Within the perimeter of patent collaboration networks, the average distance of collaborations and the number of countries involved per each collaboration have been shown to have increased steadily in time. Less attention, though, has been devoted to assessing whether this growth of cross-country collaborations is stable in time. To address this scientific question we focus […]

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12/2018 - Nonparametric frailty Cox models for hierarchical time-to-event data

We propose a novel model for hierarchical time-to-event data, for example, healthcare data in which patients are grouped by their healthcare provider. The most common model for this kind of data is the Cox proportional hazard model, with frailties that are common to patients in the same group and given a parametric distribution. We relax […]

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