From molecules to organisms: An integrative view of cell biology

EMBO Workshop
Category: Seminar / Conference
Location: Radstadt, Austria - In presence
Registration Deadline: 10/12/2024
Date: 16/03/2025 - 21/03/2025
Fee: PhD Students/Postdocs 950€ - Academic 1050€ - Industry 1600€
Target Audience: Early-career scientists (e.g. PhD Students, Postdocs), Group Leaders, researchers interested in advancing their knowledge in cell biology and membrane trafficking.
We will give preference to young researchers from Europe, in particular young lab heads (who have been holding independent positions for less than 5 years), Postdocs and PhD Students. The selection from this group of applicants will be based on the quality of the science outlined in the abstract. We will also consider selecting individuals whose research would substantially benefit from attending this workshop.
This EMBO Workshop follows the enthusiastic response to the conference organized in 2017. It responds to the need to revisit the structural and functional organization of cells in order incorporate and address two aspects:
- New emerging concepts in membrane trafficking: The study of membrane compartments has traditionally focused on single organelles or pathways. Yet, new insights into inter- organelle communication, membrane-less compartments, organelle-dependent regulation of metabolism, physical principles such as self-organization and mechanics in membrane structure and function, prompt us to pursue a more integrated view of sub-cellular organization.
- Integrate membrane trafficking and membrane biology to a higher level of organization, such as tissues and organisms. Cell biology has to go beyond cells in culture and contribute to the analysis of multi-cellular organisms, during development and in the adult. In this workshop, we aim to gain an integrative and multi-scale perspective of the molecular mechanisms from the sub-cellular to tissue/organism levels. We propose to organize this innovative workshop that can help addressing these challenges. It will therefore focus on new research advances on cytoplasm organization both at the molecular level and subcellular level and bridge it to adjacent fields, such as disease, physics, metabolism and tissue development.
Image credits: Gabriele Seethaler & Gaia Pigino
If you are a company and you would like to sponsor the Workshop, have a look at our dedicated Call for Sponsorship for this event. You have time until 15 January 2025 to submit your interest.
Yohanns Bellaïche
Institut Curie, FR -
Gaelle Boncompain
Institut NeuroMyoGene, FR -
Brian Burke
Skin Research Institute of Singapore, SG -
Jeremy Carlton
The Francis Crick Institute, UK -
Pedro Carvalho
Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, UK -
Elizabeth Chen
UT Southwestern Medical Center, US -
Alba Diz-Muñoz
Ana Domingos
University of Oxford, UK -
Robert Ernst
Universität des Saarlandes, DE -
Benjamin Glick
The University of Chicago, US -
Gareth Wyn Griffiths
University of Oslo, NO -
Jean Gruenberg
University of Geneva, CH -
Frederick M. Hughson
Princeton University, US -
Tommy Kirchhausen
Harvard Medical School, US -
Robin Klemm
University of Oxford, UK -
Yamuna Krishnan
The University of Chicago, US -
Sébastien Leon
Institut Jacques Monod, FR -
Vivek Malhotra
Centre for Genomic Regulation, ES -
Jodi Nunnari
Altos Labs - Bay Area Institute of Science & University of California, Davis, US -
Gaia Pigino
Associate Head of Structural Biology Research Centre, Human Technopole, IT -
Aurelien Roux
University of Geneva, CH -
Richard Scheller
23andMe, US -
Sara Sigismund
European Institute of Oncology, IT -
Anne Spang
Biozentrum, CH -
Aurelio Teleman
German Cancer Research Center, DE -
Sara Wickström
Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine, DE
Sharon Tooze
The Francis Crick Institute, UK -
Marino Zerial
Director, Human Technopole, IT / MPI-CBG, DE
- Registration Deadline: 10 December 2024
- Abstract Submission Deadline: 10 December 2024
- Chosen Participants Will Be Notified By: 16 December 2024
- Payment Deadline: 15 January 2025
Registration includes:
- access to all scientific sessions
- digital abstract book
- 5 nights’ accommodation (shared rooms for students and post-docs), including breakfast
- lunches and dinners, welcome reception and gala dinner
- refreshments during breaks and poster sessions
- Wi-Fi
- local transport from/to Salzburg airport
About EMBO Courses and Workshops
EMBO Courses and Workshops are selected for their excellent scientific quality and timelines, provision of good networking activities for all participants and speaker gender diversity (at least 40% of speakers must be from the underrepresented gender).
Organisers are encouraged to implement measures to make the meeting environmentally more sustainable.