A City in MIND
At MIND Milano Innovation District, the area that hosted Expo Milano 2015, a model of the city of the future is being configured: a place that can respond to the evolving needs of human beings; where we can live and work well, thanks to social, environmental, economic, scientific and technological innovations; where we can learn, but also inspire models of collaboration that are useful in creating a more inclusive and sustainable world.
The City of the Future aims to share the principles, values and goals of the 2030 Agenda, approved by all United Nations countries in 2015 to create a new model of sustainable development.
The Competition aims to encourage, among elementary and middle school students in the Lombardy Region, the creation of creative works using different media and languages to:
- Promote among new generations the culture of sustainable development and lifestyles that can improve and protect the environment, health and well-being of the whole community.
- Stimulate among classes and young people an interest in and knowledge of the city project that is emerging in MIND to identify future educational, professional and civic engagement opportunities.
- Imagine in MIND a city of the future that is innovative and cutting-edge but respectful of sustainable development goals through the active and informed participation of businesses, institutions and citizens.
Edition 2024

Sensory is an inherent characteristic of every living being, fundamental to interaction with the surrounding environment. Putting a multisensory perspective at the center of the design and transformation of our cities can help make urban and territorial ecosystems smarter, more accessible, green, connected, cohesive and social.
The 6th edition of the Schools Competition “A City in MIND. The senses of the city” wants to be once again a stimulus to the creativity, sensitivity and skills acquired by students and asks children/youths for creative and innovative solutions, ideas and proposals to promote social and environmental sustainability in the city of the future using a sensory perspective/approach. It is possible to participate with ongoing educational projects if consistent with or adapted to the theme of the competition.
The benchmark goal is Agenda 2030 Goal 11 “Cities and communities must become safer, more sustainable and inclusive,” but class projects and entries may develop and link to all 17 UN SDGs.
Edition 2023

For the Edition 2023, participating classes are asked to design projects, places, games, events, communication and awareness campaigns, technologies or other tools aimed at promoting and ensuring physical and psychological health and well-being among citizens of all ages and improving the natural environment in our cities.
Edition 2022

Boys and girls who participate in the “A City in MIND” 2021 Competition are asked to devise and propose temporary activities that could take place in MIND Park, services they would like to find there, ways to manage and involve people in the activities and open spaces. We especially invite boys and girls to tell us what they would like to do in the Park in MIND themselves, with schoolmates, friends or family.
Edition 2021

Elementary and middle school students from Lombardy are invited to develop projects in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Specifically, and in line with MIND’s mission, students will have to focus on Goal 3 “ensuring health and well-being for all” and Goal 11 “building sustainable cities and communities”.
This year the competition includes a new entry: the “#RememberMyName” Special Prize, assigned by Human Technopole to three of the classes participating in the competition whose works are dedicated to lesser-known scientists, women and men who have played a fundamental role in scientific progress , but whose name is often unknown. Classes can find inspiration the #RememberMyName social campaign that chronicles the discoveries of lesser-known scientists who have revolutionized our knowledge of diseases and helped improve our health. The three most original proposals will be awarded by naming spaces of Human Technopole after three of these forgotten scientists.
The competition is promoted by the Triulza Foundation in partnership with Arexpo, Human Technopole and LendLease and in collaboration with ACRA and the other MIND Education partners: University of Milan and IRCCS Galeazzi. The initiative is sponsored by ASviS – Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development, Lombardy Region, Municipality of Milan and the Pact of Municipalities of North West Milan.
All the details on the Triulza Foundation website.