ScienceTalk: Fake news and information overload? Is there an alternative?

The final appointment of Science for All, a collaboration between Human Technopole, Arexpo and Fondazione Feltrinelli, will take place online on Friday 21 May at h 1830.
With the Covid19 pandemic, science has suddenly found itself in the spotlight: the importance of understanding and describing the phenomenon, its effects on the quality of life of citizens and the ability to respond to health emergencies have suddenly become evident to everyone. In recent months, we have heard vast amounts of data and opinions, often conflicting, which have created more confusion than clarity. How do we navigate this myriad of information to which we are subjected, and how can we evaluate the choices of politics, caught between the recommendations of science and the need to take into account human needs?
Giovanni Azzone, President Arexpo S.p.A.
Chiara Ferrari, Public Affairs Lead, IPSOS
Massimo Pigliucci, philosopher, scientific disseminator and professor CUNY – City University New York
Giuseppe Testa, physician, professor of Molecular Biology at UniMi and Head of Neurogenomics Research Centre at Human Technopole
Moderated by Chiara Albicocco, scientific journalist Radio 24
The event will be streamed live on the Fondazione Feltrinelli platform: