Workshop: Science Map – Mens sana in urbe sana

The third and final workshop is dedicated to the need to promote healthy cities, where scientific research can find the proper space and contribute to improving citizens’ well-being. Which spaces within cities can become strategic for an urban planning focused on our health, protecting it and preserving it. Representatives from private and public sectors as well as academics and dedicated experts will take part in the discussion.
Monday 29 March 2021, h 15.00 – 18.30 (online)
Keynote speech by Andrea Lenzi, President Health City Institute
Introduction by Igor De Biasio, Chief executive officer Arexpo
Paola Angelini, Emilia Romagna
Stefano Campostrini, University of Venice
Stefano Capolongo, Politecnico di Milano
Anna Maria Colao, University of Naples
Rosalba D’Onofrio, University of Camerino
Daniela Galeone, Ministry of Health
Filippo Taidelli, Architect
Fateh-Moghadam, Provincia di Trento
Valentina Possenti, Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Anna Zanfrà, Rete Città Sane-OMS
For further information and to sign up, please visit: