Health Data Science

Zuccolo Group

In the Zuccolo group, epidemiologists, statisticians and data scientists analyse highly-dimensional complex data to improve our understanding of maternal and child health, with a particular focus on intergenerational effects. We develop new data pipelines and phenotype captures, while applying cutting edge methods for robust inference to inform knowledge translation. We describe health and health behaviours trends and trajectories emerging in contemporary populations, study their determinants, identify predictors of vulnerability and risk, and investigate how families and particularly parent-offspring interactions, shape individuals’ health and wellbeing. The resulting evidence will help to prioritise and inform the design of family-level or parent-focussed interventions to support maternal, child, and adolescent health.



MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship – Albert Navarro Gallinad


  • Molly Van der Heiden: Bristol Medical School student intern
  • Elham Bahari Kheirjoui: Università degli Studi di Milano MSc student intern

Group members
