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National Facilities

Human Technopole National Facilities offer open access to cutting edge technologies in the field of genomics, genome engineering and disease modelling, imaging, structural biology and data handling and analysis.

The mission of HT National Facilities (NFs) is to support the national community through:

  • access to cutting edge technologies and know how;
  • training programs;
  • technology/ method development projects;

with the final aim of increasing the impact of Italian research at international level.

The access of external Users affiliated to Universities, Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico (IRCCS), and Public Research Entities will be supported by open calls for access. Access is granted based on the principles of scientific excellence, with the aim of supporting high-quality research. The quality of the submitted requests is evaluated and approved by an independent panel of experts, the Standing Independent Evaluation Committee, that also defines the Access Management Plan.

Available services

Check each National Facility webpage for a detailed description of the Facility and the list of services and instrumentation available. Alternatively, you can browse all available services across all National Facilities.

How to access

Once you have identified the service you need, click on the open call of the relevant National Facility and fill out the form on the dedicated portal.

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Useful links

Call for Access

Services offered by NFs are available through regular open calls for Access that are published yearly on the HT website and are free of charge for the project (or part of the project) approved for Access.

Applications are accepted throughout the year and assessed by the Standing Independent Evaluation Committee with the aim of supporting scientific excellence.

The first call for Access, closed on December 31st 2024, involved two evaluation rounds. The first round provided access to 38 projects while the second evaluation round is currently ongoing and will be completed by the end of February 2025.

The Standing Independent Evaluation Committee is now working on the upcoming Call for Access with new Services available in 2025.

The open calls for Access are aimed at supporting Access to the technologies offered by the NFs and are not meant to provide direct funding to the User. The costs for the activities to be performed at the NFs will be fully funded, including shipment of relevant material from and to the User’s laboratory as well as travel and accommodation for the User while accessing the NF. Project-related costs (personnel, consumables, and other costs) at the User laboratory are not funded.

Approved Projects

The list of approved projects following the first evaluation round of the 24-PILOT call is available at the following link.


Upcoming Calls

25-LI-ROUND1 – National Facility for Light Imaging


For general enquiries about the call: national.facilities@fht.org

For technical enquiries about the services: nf.lightimaging@fht.org


25-DHA-ROUND1 – National Facility for Data Handling and Analysis


For general enquiries about the call: national.facilities@fht.org

For technical enquiries about the services: nf.datahandling@fht.org


25-SB-ROUND1 – National Facility for Structural Biology


For general enquiries about the call: national.facilities@fht.org

For technical enquiries about the services: nf.structuralbiology@fht.org


25-GEDM-ROUND1 – National Facility for Genome Engineering and Disease Modelling


For general enquiries about the call: national.facilities@fht.org

For technical enquiries about the services: nf.gedi@fht.org


25-G-ROUND1 – National Facility for Genomics


For general enquiries about the call: national.facilities@fht.org

For technical enquiries about the services: nf.genomics@fht.org


Evaluation Committee

Access to the National Facilities is based on the principles of scientific excellence, with the aim of supporting high-quality research. The quality of the submitted requests is evaluated and approved by an independent panel of experts, the Standing Independent Evaluation Committee.

The members selected and appointed by the Consiglio di Sorveglianza of the HT Foundation, which also include the ex officio member Walter Ricciardi Chairman of Human Technopole’s Scientific Committee, are:

Professor Filippo Mancia, Professor of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, Department of Physiology & Cellular Biophysics, Columbia University, New York, U.S.A. (Chair)

Professor Arianna Tucci, Associate Professor of Medical Genomics, Queen Mary University of London, UK (Deputy Chair)

Professor Juha Kere, Professor of Molecular Genetics, Department of Biosciences and Nutrition, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

Professor Samuele Marro, Associate Professor of Neuroscience and co-Director of the Stem Cell Engineering Core, Black Family Stem Cell Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, U.S.A.

Dr. Jan Peychl, Senior Service Leader, Light Microscopy Facility, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany

Professor Giampietro Schiavo, Professor of Neuroscience, Department of Neuromuscular Diseases, Queen Square Institute of Neurology, University College London, UK

Professor Maria Secrier, Associate Professor of Computational Cancer Biology, Genetics Institute, Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment, University College London, UK

Dr. Virginie Uhlmann, Group Leader, European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Cambridge, UK and Director of the BioVisionCenter, University of Zurich, CH


Do you have any further questions?

Write to national.facilities@fht.org or browse the F.A.Q.

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