Introducing Magda Bienko
Magda Bienko will be joining HT from the Science for Life Laboratory at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, where she has led her research group for the past seven years as a SciLifeLab Fellow. Magda did her postdoc with Alexander van Oudenaarden at MIT in Boston and her PhD with Ivan Dikic at the […]
The Call4Ideas of MIND Education kicks off
The Call 4 Ideas of the MIND Education program, the project that involves young people and students in the co-creation of the City of the Future, kicks off. Submit your idea by April 29, 2022! Conceived and promoted by Arexpo and Lendlease together with Human Technopole, IRCCS Galeazzi, Fondazione Triulza, Federated Innovation area Life Sciences […]

Understanding the origins of Malformations of the Cortical development
Ossola and Kalebic. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2022 The cerebral cortex – the outer brain layer – accounts approximately for half of the human and mammalian brain mass and controls language, memory, reasoning, and consciousness. Specialised cortex cells – the neural progenitors – are responsible for the specification, positioning and maturation of neurons in the cortex, […]
Europe Awards Human Technopole’s Research on Thyroid
A research project that focuses on the thyroid and its function, proposed by Dr Francesca Coscia of Human Technopole, has been awarded with an ERC Starting Grant, one of the most important European grants supporting young scientists at the beginning of their independent research career. Francesca, a Group Leader in the Human Technopole Structural Biology […]

Happy Holidays from Human Technopole
2021 was a year of “firsts” for Human Technopole: our first 100 employees (a number we will soon double!), the opening of our first lab spaces, the first Early Career Fellows, scientific training and outreach activities, the first visits on campus by key stakeholders, our first Integrated Reporting and, last but not least, a new address. We hope you continue to enjoy following our updates and activities. We are excited […]