18 June 2020

Videos of OPEN HT are available

On June the 16th and 17th we organised OPEN HT, three virtual events to present our scientific research and the lines of research we intend to pursue at Human Technopole.  The videos of the events are available on our Youtube Channel 

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16 June 2020

OPEN HT: open doors to Italian research

Milan, 16 June 2020 – The Italian Institute for Life Sciences Human Technopole virtually opened its doors today to representatives of the scientific community. Over 200 actors of the Italian life sciences field were invited to Open HT, including representatives of all Italian universities and Italian research hospitals (IRCCS) as well as the country’s main […]

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09 June 2020

President Marco Simoni tells Linkiesta about the priorities for the post-Covid restart19

On the online newspaper Linkiesta President Marco Simoni talked about the postCovid restart19. According to the President, there are three areas to focus on to tackle phase 3: investment in schools and healthcare, less bureaucracy and more long-term plans in strategic areas. In particular, the President stressed that the biggest challenges are “public health, environment […]

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04 June 2020


Human Technopole is now an Associate Partner of LifeTime, the pan-European research initiative that aims to revolutionise healthcare by tracking and understanding human diseases at single cell resolution to transform patients’ care and the sustainability of healthcare systems. Joining the LifeTime community is an important opportunity for Human Technopole to build a strategic network of […]

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