01 June 2020

President Marco Simoni attended the Milano Digital Week

During the Milan Digital Week, President Marco Simoni participated in a debate on Goal 11 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to discuss possible changes in the strategy to achieve this important goal in light of the Covid19 emergency. President Simoni stressed how this pandemic has generated a short-circuit that has led to the […]

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29 May 2020

On June 16th, President Marco Simoni will talk about the Human Technopole project and the role of scientific research for the post COVID restart19.

On 16th June at 12:30, President Marco Simoni will participate in the event “Human Technopole and the Covid-19 emergency. The largest scientific research centre for life sciences ever realized in Italy” organized by VIDAS in partnership with Arca Fondi SGR in Milan. The President will talk about the Human Technopole project and the role of […]

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26 May 2020

Director Iain Mattaj on Panorama della Sanità

In a long interview on Panorama della sanità – a specialist magazine aimed at doctors and healthcare managers – Director Iain Mattaj spoke about the Human Technopole project, stressing the principle of collaboration that underlies it and its prospects.  The Director also described in detail the projects to fight Covid19 our scientists are involved in.

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25 May 2020

President Marco Simoni at the University of Brescia Open Day

President Marco Simoni attended the Open Day of the University of Brescia to talk about the importance of collaboration and sharing for research and innovation, but also for the achievement of apparently ambitious goals. He also recalled the importance of collaboration and inventiveness to face the period of recovery that awaits us in the future.

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