06 May 2020

COVID19. La Stampa talks about the European project led by Professor Giuseppe Testa

La Stampa dedicates a wide article to the European project led by Prof. Giuseppe Testa, Head of our Research Centre for Neurogenomics and carried out together with the University of Milan, the Ieo and the Sacco Hospital. In the interview, the Professor explains the techniques used in the project – “using the best of high tech to discover how contagion evolves […]

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05 May 2020

LifeTime for COVID: HT together with Milan University (UniMi), IEO and Sacco Hospital

Our laboratories are currently under construction, but Human Technopole plays its part in tackling the current global healthcare crisis. Human Technopole scientists have already set up projects and collaborations with the main research institutes in Italy and abroad to contribute to the fight against COVID 19. Giuseppe Testa, Head of the Research Centre for Neurogenomics, […]

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04 May 2020

Joint collaboration with University of Padua

Human Technopole is collaborating with the Department of Molecular Medicine of the University of Padua and with the Paediatric Research Institute Città della Speranza of Padua to support the genetic and transcriptomic analysis of the population of Vo’ and of samples from COVID-positive patients collected by the University Hospital of Padua. These analysis, together with […]

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04 May 2020

Human Technopole supports STEMinthecity

This year STEMinthecity, the event organized by the City of Milan to promote scientific disciplines among girls and girls, was held in virtual mode in light of the Covid19 emergency. We at Human Technopole gave our support with a message by Dr. Maria Grazia Magro, Head Strategy and Scientific Affairs. Dr. Magro highlighted that the […]

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03 May 2020

President Marco Simoni talks about how technology and collaboration can improve our lives and how Human Technopole works in this direction.

In the May issue of Formiche (pages 42-43), President Marco Simoni talks about the opportunities given by new technologies to improve our societies and how they should be used for the well-being of people. An optimal and truly effective use of new technologies passes through mutual trust and collaboration, aspects that are even more fundamental […]

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