28 January 2019

Marco Simoni speaker di #TEDxVareseSalon

TEDxVareseSalon Venerdì 15 febbraio 2019 Joint Research Centre della Commissione Europea  via E. Fermi 2749, Ispra, Varese Il nostro Presidente Marco Simoni sarà il 5º speaker della conferenza #TEDxVareseSalon al Joint Research Centre di Ispra, uno dei campus di ricerca più importanti in Europa. Sei speaker si alterneranno sul palco portando il loro contributo al tema di questa edizione […]

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22 January 2019

PhD Students Meet Iain Mattaj at Città Studi Milano

January 23, 2019 Via Mangiagalli 25 Città Studi Milano Room C03 Today our Director Prof. Iain Mattaj is presenting Human Technopole to UniMi PhD students. This is the first initiative of its kind organised by UniMi PhD council aimed at presenting research opportunities in MIND Milano. During his first meeting with the students, Mattaj is talking about future prospectives for young […]

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03 January 2019


January 7 – 10, 2019 San Francisco, California Our President Marco Simoni is presenting investment opportunities offered by Human Technopole and MIND Milano Innovation District at the 37th Annual J.P.Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco. The talk will be given in the session “Healthcare, Italy on the Move”, organised by the Italian Trade Agency and […]

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24 October 2018

Iain Mattaj at Italian Embassy in Washington

26 October 2018 – Technological advances over the past decade have transformed opportunities for research in human systems as well as on models with direct relevance to human biology, thereby boosting possibilities for scientists to develop improved, more targeted strategies for promoting human health and healthy ageing. The Human Technopole, a new institute for life […]

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18 June 2018

Iain Mattaj becomes first Director of Human Technople. 

18 June 2018 – The Supervisory Board of Human technopole Foundation, during its first meeting, nominates Iain Mattaj Director of Human Technopole. Since 2005, professor Iain Mattaj is the Director General of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), an intergovernmental organization based in Heidelberg. EMBL is the European flagship laboratory for the life sciences, world-renowned for […]

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