Science for all

Scientific and social research together for Science for All: how scientific research can improve the journey of life, a project curated by Fondazione G. Feltrinelli, with Human Technopole and Arexpo to strengthen the link between citizenship and sustainable, concrete, equitable and accessible development aimed at improving our quality of life.
Scientific research opens the way for new and further opportunities, contributing to improving citizens’ quality of life. Knowledge should not remain confined to research sites but enhanced and shared within an ecosystem open to innovation and able to build trust in the advancements of research.
Not only are research infrastructures important, but it is fundamental to create opportunities for dialogue between those who are active in basic research on a daily basis, and those who engage in production activity, citizenship and the political sphere.
Through communication, education and outreach activity, Human Technopole aims to play an active role in communicating science effectively, promoting among the public the understanding of the importance of scientific research and knowledge-based innovation, stimulating a constant and productive debate between science and society.
Fondazione G. Feltrinelli and its social research activities are aimed at supporting scientific research in the Science for All project, in collaboration with Human Technopole and Arexpo. Human Technopole is the new Italian research institute for life sciences. Through an interdisciplinary approach based on the creation and sharing of knowledge, Human Technopole promotes innovation in the healthcare sector and aims at improving human health and well-being. It is based at the heart of MIND, the innovation ecosystem developed by Arexpo in the area which hosted the 2015 Milan EXPO. The area is currently undergoing a major transformation which will give rise to a science and technology park of international excellence.
Science for All is a project made up of three research workshops, starting from Friday 29 January, two public debates with international and scientific keynote speakers and three masterclasses aimed at secondary school students. Equal access to development and well-being opportunities and a high-quality life for all will be the common thread around which all moments of discussion, debate, research and reflection will revolve.
This first online workshop is on Friday 29 January, h 15.00 – 18.30
Introduction: Massimiliano Tarantino Director Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, Prof. Iain Mattaj Director Human Technopole
Opening remarks Marco Montorsi, Rector Humanitas University
Members of the academic, scientific, institutional and financial community as well as representatives of the private and third sector, discuss which ways of improving scientific communication can emerge through the creation of dissemination platforms that can generate widespread knowledge among the population, and on the importance of asking ourselves how life sciences can concretely improve the lives of citizens, through an effective transmission and sharing of scientific knowledge.
Francesco Blasi Università degli Studi di Milano
Alessio Beverina co-founder & partner di Panakes Partners
Silvano Bosari Scientific Director, Policlinico di Milano
Enrico Caiani Politecnico di Milano
Alberto Di Minin Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna
Antonio Gaudioso Cittadinanza Attiva
Cristina Giacoma Director Life Sciences Department, Università degli Studi di Torino
Roberta Guainieri Assessor for Tourism, Sport and Quality of Life, Comune di Milano
Laura Iacovone Università degli Studi di Milano
Federico Leca Università degli Studi di Milano
Carlo Mango Managing Director Cariplo Factory & Director of Science, Research and Technology Transfer, Fondazione Cariplo
Gaia Simonetta Panina Chief Scientific Officer, Novartis
Antonio Paolini Vice President Cluster Alisei
Donatella Sciuto Prorector for Research, Politecnico di Milano
Moderated by Andrea Zucca and Niccolò Donati, reseawrchers at Fondazione Feltrinelli
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