04/2020 - A behavioral approach to instability pathways in financial markets
We introduce an indicator that aims to detect the emergence of market instabilities by quantifying the intensity of self-organizing processes arising from stock returns’ co-movements. In financial markets, phenomena like imitation, herding and positive feedbacks characterize the emergence of endogenous instabilities, which can modify the qualitative and quantitative behavior of the underlying system. The impossibility […]
04/2020 - DNA Methylation Signature for EZH2 Functionally Classifies Sequence Variants in Three PRC2 Complex Genes.
Weaver syndrome (WS), an overgrowth/intellectual disability syndrome (OGID), is caused by pathogenic variants in the histone methyltransferase EZH2, which encodes a core component of the Polycomb repressive complex-2 (PRC2). Using genome-wide DNA methylation (DNAm) data for 187 individuals with OGID and 969 control subjects, we show that pathogenic variants in EZH2 generate a highly specific […]
03/2020 - Mapping the breast cancer metastatic cascade onto ctDNA using genetic and epigenetic clonal tracking
Circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) allows tracking of the evolution of human cancers at high resolution, overcoming many limitations of tissue biopsies. However, exploiting ctDNA to determine how a patient’s cancer is evolving in order to aid clinical decisions remains difficult. This is because ctDNA is a mix of fragmented alleles, and the contribution of different […]
02/2020 - Measuring single cell divisions in human tissues from multi-region sequencing data
Both normal tissue development and cancer growth are driven by a branching process of cell division and mutation accumulation that leads to intra-tissue genetic heterogeneity. However, quantifying somatic evolution in humans remains challenging. Here, we show that multi-sample genomic data from a single time point of normal and cancer tissues contains information on single-cell divisions. […]