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07/2019 - Resolving genetic heterogeneity in cancer

To a large extent, cancer conforms to evolutionary rules defined by the rates at which clones mutate, adapt and grow. Next-generation sequencing has provided a snapshot of the genetic landscape of most cancer types, and cancer genomics approaches are driving new insights into cancer evolutionary patterns in time and space. In contrast to species evolution, […]

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06/2019 - Yeast membraneless compartments revealed by correlative light microscopy and electron tomography

Yeast essential enzymes are able to assemble and form membrane-less compartments in the cytoplasm during stress conditions (Narayanaswamy et al., 2009). These microcompartments form rapidly under ATP-depletion upon cellular regulation of pH and molecular crowding (Munder et al., 2016). So far, the behavior of most of these enzymes has been characterized by live imaging using fluorescence […]

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