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08/2017 - RNA polymerase I, bending the rules?

Transcription initiation is one of the key regulatory steps in expressing the genetic information encoded in the DNA. Mechanisms of RNA Pol II transcription have been extensively studied, whereas the structural basis of RNA Pol I and III transcription is still poorly defined. Three recent studies discussed here give a first glimpse into the molecular mechanisms underlying the process of RNA Pol I transcriptional initiation and […]

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07/2017 - Switching dynein motors on and off

Cytoplasmic dyneins transport cellular components from the periphery toward the center of the cell. By moving cargoes along microtubules, dyneins ensure proper cell division, regulate exchange of materials between organelles, and contribute to the internal organization of eukaryotic cells. Two recent studies show that, upon dimerization, cytoplasmic dyneins intrinsically adopt an autoinhibited configuration that can […]

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04/2017 - Millisecond time resolution correlative light and electron microscopy for dynamic cellular processes

Molecular motors propel cellular components at velocities up to microns per second with nanometer precision. Imaging techniques combining high temporal and spatial resolution are therefore indispensable to understand the cellular mechanics at the molecular level. For example, intraflagellar transport (IFT) trains constantly shuttle ciliary components between the base and tip of the eukaryotic cilium. 3-D […]

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