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11/2006 - The Berger–Parker index as an effective tool for monitoring the biodiversity of disturbed soils: a case study on Mediterranean oribatid (Acari: Oribatida) assemblages

Recent data on oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) indicates that Mediterranean soil communities tend to show uneven patterns of species abundance distribution (SAD) that are well fitted by a simple model such as the geometric series. In the case of linear distributions, the fraction of total sampled individuals that is contributed by the most abundant species, […]

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02/2006 - Localisation of heavy metals in the midgut epithelial cells of Xenillus tegeocranus

Sites of intracellular metal deposition in the midgut ventriculus and in the proventricular glands of Xenillus tegeocranus (Hermann, 1804) (Acari: Oribatida) were studied by TEM. The study aimed to obtain new information on the ultrastructural features of heavy metal compartmentalisation and elimination mechanisms in oribatid mites. Specimens of X. tegeocranus were collected from an abandoned […]

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09/2005 - Rab Conversion as a Mechanism of Progression from Early to Late Endosomes

The mechanisms of endosome biogenesis and maintenance are largely unknown. The small GTPases Rab5 and Rab7 are key determinants of early and late endosomes, organizing effector proteins into specific membrane subdomains. Whether such Rab machineries are indefinitely maintained on membranes or can disassemble in the course of cargo transport is an open question. Here, we […]

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04/2005 - Fine structure of the midgut and Malpighian papillae in Campodea (Monocampa) quilisi Silvestri, 1932 (Hexapoda, Diplura) with special reference to the metal composition and physiological significance of midgut intracellular electron-dense granules

The fine structure of the midgut and the Malpighian papillae in Campodea (Monocampa) quilisi Silvestri, 1932 (Hexapoda, Diplura) specimens was described. We observed the presence of electron-dense granules (EDGs) in the midgut epithelial cells, similar in genesis, structure and aspect to the type A spherocrystals described in the midgut epithelium of Collembola and Diplopoda. Energy-dispersive […]

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