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To publish or patent: when is the right time?

Categoria: Corso / Workshop

Luogo: Online

Iscrizioni entro: 11/04/2024

Data: 15/04/2024

Target: PhDs and postdocs; interested professionals and scientists.

Iscrizioni Chiuse

The HT Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer is thrilled to announce the first online workshop on the timing (but not only!) of publication or patenting of research projects.

Together with Daniela Bellomo PhD MBA (Director) and Daniela Deponti PhD (IP Manager) of the Business Development and Technology Transfer Division at Ospedale San Raffaele in Milan, we will explore how to coordinate the patenting of an invention with the publication of scientific discoveries on scientific peer-reviewed journals, conferences, and doctoral thesis. We will also explore strategies to combine the needs of scientists in pursuing their careers (within academia but also in industry, intellectual property firms or financial services) with the protection of inventions.

This workshop is a precious opportunity for PhDs and Postdocs in the life sciences from both Italian and foreign universities and research institutions. However, anyone interested in the subject matter is welcome to attend.

The workshop will take place online (via Zoom) on 15 April 2024, from 11 am to 12.30 pm.

Working language: English.

Registrations will close on 11 April at 12.00 pm CET. Once registrations are closed, you will receive the link to connect remotely via mail.

For more information, reach out to techtransferHT@fht.org


  • Daniela Bellomo
    Director, Business Development and Technology Transfer Division at Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan
  • Daniela Deponti
    IP Manager, Business Development and Technology Transfer Division at Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan