
  • AI Creates New ‘Alarm Bells’ for Prostate Cancer Recurrence

    A study by Human Technopole, the Institute of Cancer Research and the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust in London has shown that in prostate cancer the presence in the same tumour of cells with large differences in shape and genetic composition indicates an increased risk of relapse, including after a decade. The study may help doctors better tailor treatment for this disease, adopting more aggressive therapies in cases where these parameters indicate a higher risk of disease recurrence.

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  • HT’s “Open” Technologies for the Italian Scientific Community

    Human Technopole is opening its National Facilities, providing advanced equipment and technologies accessible through calls for proposals open to the Italian scientific community. Projects will be selected by a commission of international experts. Scientists will have access to five new dedicated facilities, which act as catalysts for open innovation in the life sciences sector, crucial for research and the health of Italians.

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  • New Human Technopole Strategic Plan 2024-2028 now online!

    Five years since its inception, Human Technopole is now a dynamic institute where researchers from around the world have laid the foundations for unravelling the fundamental mechanisms of life across multiple biological scales – molecules, cells, tissues, organs, organisms, populations – in space and time.

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  • Clearer microscopy images in spatial biology

    An international team of scientists led by HT researchers Magda Bienko and Nicola Crosetto developed an open-source software for deconvolution of widefield fluorescence microscopy image stacks and large tissue scans. This new tool increases the information obtained with fluorescence microscopy-based spatial omic methods.

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  • Marino Zerial

    Director Marino Zerial elected as a new member of the Leopoldina

    The German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina has elected the Dresden and Italian cell biologist Marino Zerial as one of its members. Currently Director of Human Technopole, he is also one of the founding directors of the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG).

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Research at HT

Improving human life and technology by investing in human health and prevention research is the ultimate goal of Human Technopole. We need to prevent and cure diseases to allow people of all ages to not only live longer, but also live better.

To accomplish its mission, HT’s research strives to unravel fundamental mechanisms relevant to human physiology and disease using a multi-scale systems biology approach, based on a combination of experimental research and theory, coupled with computational biology and Artificial Intelligence.

Shared Research Infrastructure

To fulfil the needs of the Italian life science research community, HT infrastructure includes 5 National Facilities, serving as technological hubs and incubators for developing and disseminating new tools and methodologies and for carrying out top-level research.

Courses and Conferences

The overarching and inspiring theme for HT’s external training activities is to create at HT a centre of excellence for training promising researchers in the biomedical sciences, while providing broad access to HT’s expertise, methods, and resources to the external community. Courses and conferences are supported by institutional and external funding, and sponsorships are welcome.

Work with us

We offer the opportunity to be part of a new, dynamic research institute promoting a highly collaborative and international working environment.

We aim to attract the best resources in each field with a selection based on merit and transparency as we believe that highly diverse teams produce the best and most innovative results.

If you are a passionate person who likes to seize great challenges, consider applying for one of our scientific or administrative vacancies.