Why do we have preferences towards certain foods?
A new study in Nature Communications by Nicola Pirastu and colleagues identifies new loci involved in individual food choice in a large-scale genome-wide association study and deepens our understanding of the genetics behind food liking. French politician Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin gained fame for his passion for food and the aphorism “Tell me what you eat: […]
Introducing Luisa Zuccolo
Luisa Zuccolo is an epidemiologist interested in the interplay between maternal and child health. She will be joining HT from the University of Bristol (UK), where she is a Senior Lecturer at the Integrative Epidemiology Unit, Department of Population Health Sciences. Luisa will join HT in July 2022, but she is already working to build […]
Plenty of algae to study human ciliopathies
The green solution that bubbles in the Chlamy farm, within the “Chlamy” room on the ground floor of Incubator 1 on the Human Technopole campus, is a mixture of water, salts and algae. It is part of a 60+ litre culture of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (later referred as Chlamy), a species of algae that is used […]
HT Event – Knowledge Economy and Social Impact
When: Friday 6 May 2022, 10.30-12.30 Where: Aula dei Gruppi parlamentari, Via di Campo Marzio, 78 – Roma Programme The event will focus on the role of science and technology as a driver of social and cultural development and innovation. A high-level panel of experts will share their experiences, together with Economy and Finance Minister, Daniele […]
Convenzione Ministries – Human Technopole: Second level consultation open
The Convenzione signed on December 30, 2020 between the Ministries of Economy and Finance, of Health and of University and Research and the Human Technopole Foundation governs the realization at Human Technopole of National Facilities (NFs), which must meet the definition of research infrastructure adopted by the European Strategic Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI)[1], i.e., […]